My sub unit for
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

Here is the lesson plan. The links to pages with the graphics mentioned are in the text.

Guided Reading - If You Give A Mouse a Cookie

This lesson will help students to make predictions using the pictures in the text. It will also help them with sequencing and key vocabulary words.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie - by Laura Numeroff
4" round circles of white construction paper
Copies of the two pages of graphics for the different projects.
Brown paper lunch bags

1. Introduce the lesson by asking the students if they like cookies. Then ask the students what is their favorite kind of cookie.

2. Have the students read the title of the book and look at the picture on the cover.

3. Do a picture walk through the book. Have the students predict what is going to happen next in the story. Draw a cookie graphic organizer on the white board. Write a few predictions on a cookie map.

4. Read the book aloud to the students. Stop at various points to check predictions and make new ones.

5. At several key stopping points, ask the students to share unfamiliar vocabulary words. Read the sentence containing the unfamiliar word.

6. After you have finished reading the book, ask questions that compare the original predictions prior to reading the book to what actually happened on a second cookie map.

Enrichment Activities
* Poll the children on their favorite cookie. Give each student a four-inch circular piece of white construction paper. Have them recreate their favorite cookie, paying attention to details. Use these cookies to make a bar graph to see what kind of cookie was the most favorite.

* Ask the students to use the mouse graphic on the white paper and think of as many items in the story that the mouse asked for. They then draw them on the paper. Call for volunteers and list the items they could remember. See which student has the most items.

* Make a class collage of the pictures.

* Set up a pocket chart so students can arrange the pictures in sequential order and retell the story using those images.

* Use the large mouse head to create brown paper bag puppets. Use the bag puppets and act out the story. Choose students to be the young man and another to be the mouse.

Super link for: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie- Coloring pages right from the book

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