
The Automated
Electrical Road

Just get a new computer for your bike? Change the batteries on the one you have? Lose all your total miles in the process?

Want to get them back?

Some computers have as one of their set-up functions the option of setting the total miles. But most still don't. Here's what you can do to regain the total miles if your's is "lacking"...

You will need a couple of things for this one.

  1. An electric fan with speed settings and a removable front cage.
  2. A small magnet.
  3. Some epoxy cement (glue).
First, take of the front cage of the fan. Mix up some of the epoxy and glue the small magnet to the hub. The hub may be a part of the fan blades, but usually it's the part that holds them on. position the magnet about 1/2" to 3/4" from the exact center of the hub. You may wish to epoxy a small nut to the opposite edge of the hub as a counter balence, it will run quieter that way. Let the epoxy completely cure (dry).

Now, you need the sensor pickup for you computer. Feed the wire (if it has one) through the cage from the inside to the outside. Position the pickup so that when the front cage is reattached to the fan, the magnet you glued to the hub of the fan will pass close to the pickup without hitting it. Just like you do when installing it on the bike. If you can clip it into place, great. Otherwise, use something like duct tape to hold it. Make sure it's secure!

Got it? Great. Now it's time to set things up...

Set the fan to it's slowest speed. Go to the set-up mode of your computer and select a wheel size so that when the fan is running and the computer is connected to the pickup, It will register the maximum speed that it can display. This setting will differ from brand to brand, but it is usually either 99.9 miles per hour, or 99.9 kilometers per hour (about 62 M.P.H.).

You may have to experiment with different settings to find the best "wheel size" for the job.

Ready? Then with the computer connected to the pickup, turn on the fan to it's slowest speed. As it runs, the miles will pile on! Leave the fan on for however long it takes to accumulate the proper amount. You can estimate how long this will take, of course, by dividing the amount you need by the "speed" the computer is going.

When you have all your miles back, turn off the fan, and remove the pickup from the front cage. Reinstall everything on the bike. Don't forget to recalibrate the proper wheelsize!


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