Please Come, Robert
If, Robert, I could bring you along
and hold you like a trophy up to all,
And let you shine upon their faces
light gleaming, dancing, and embracing,
What a treasure this world would know and have!

Sitting here,
                      the tension avalanching
                      in a blaze of white in my mind,
                                                     feeling like one of Shakespeare's players,

All I need from you is your cooling hand set
upon the heat of my flurred cheek,
You need not even speak to make my body feel at ease!

Please, aid me -- aid me!

Be here, send yourself like a sphere of joy
rolling towards me, tracking a trail
of moist white-blue streaks
on the cold, dried streets.  Be here!

And -- here you come!, as if
a bodied dream, flailing thoughts of
hot uncomfort away,
like old, crusted strips of paint --
you are here