December 22,2006


Yes … I know I creep you out ...

Yes … I know I creep you out but it not like I'm trying to.
When I was in my twenties .. I would walk along and if a beautiful young lady would walk by .. I’d get a look of ‘you wish’. I was ok with that. They didn’t know me I didn’t know them and that’s the way it was going to be. I still enjoyed their beauty. The external beauty that I could see with even just the slightest glance .. and the knowledge that most likely these ladies where very good people with wonderful giving hearts and a kind compassion for others. It still didn’t mean they wanted to date me. I knew that then. I still know that.
The problem is err… situation .. lets call it a situation. The situation is that now that I’m forty. The young ladies .. of whom I am full aware have no desires for me at all, look at me like I’m their creepy uncle who’s always trying to feel them up. I’m not. My nieces will attest to this. Which brings me to my thought/statement. ..

Yes … I know I creep you out .. but there isn’t anything I can do about it. When I see you walking down the road, street, mall corridor or where ever we shall pass … I am not staring. I am not ogling .. I am not trying to look down your shirt .. as a matter of fact .. if a young lady does pass by that is wearing a low cut shirt I look away as if to check the time on my watch or as if someone is calling me from the other direction. I know that you are beautiful, I can see that, I also know that you do not dress like that for me. I also know that I creep you out. I’m sorry. It isn’t intentional.


'Equilibre,pour l'amour de trilogie L

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