NO Porn Filters on Public Library Computers!

One of the most consternating things I have encountered in working with used computers is "child protection device" software engrained into the hard drives of those computers.

To eradicate such needless nuisance takes some time-consuming knowledgeable manipulation, such as re-partitioning usable portions of the hard drive with fdisk, completely formatting those good-sectors sections of the hard drive, loading and running Norton from a cold boot, then finally loading Windows and running Scandisk when in Windows. The "unknown devices" are finally annihilated.

It is bad enough that public-library bureacrats have senselessly imposed on-screen passcode entry for library computer use, necessitating those who use such computers to acquire a library card from nosy librarians requiring presentation of personal Drivers License home info....thus giving such dangerously-partisan snoops the covert chance to relate secret e-mail and website passcodes with names and home addresses. Such security breach is too much for this webauthor, so library computers lie non-used both by myself and others having the same concern.

The worst kind of porn is not found on the internet, even though (typically) more private body parts (usually of female humans of whatever age) are available to peruse on-screen.

By far, the WORST type of porn is the one which cannot be clicked into nor out of on a computer, nor which requires informed knowledge as to the precisely-typed URL and website address. It is a far more devastating type of indecent exposure because it roams around freely wherever it wishes whenever it wants without restriction nor constraint.

It is LIFE-sized (anywhere from 4 feet to 6 feet or so tall), in-MOTION (rather than a small still photo on a computer screen), and TRUE-color. It harasses and attracts attention to its immodest presence by talking and making other noises.

To censor such would involve posting a large-enough sign at the door entrance of the library, reading:


Guards armed with taser-type electric shockers would have to strictly and consistently enforce such a sign, informing the mis-attired about to enter that either they go and come back properly dressed, or stay away.

Porn filters cannot sense bare breasts, butts, and crotches of female humans, let alone discriminate as to mopheadedness, naked arms, nude legs, and bare toes under socksless sandals. They cannot differentiate between nudes in public art museums and those from other sources. All .gif and .jpg files can be suppressed, but that is obviously "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" and thus "going overboard." Porn filters indiscriminately edit out the free speech that need not be edited.

Rather than bogging down the computer with porn-filter software, it is better to instruct surfers with the Bible verses of purity, and for porn producers to not post porn in the first place.

Finally, why set up computers so that monitors are visible to passersby who can quietly and slyly peer over shoulders eyeing secret passcodes being typed in and websites clicked into? Each monitor should instead be facing a corner of the library where only the surfer sees what there is to see on his personal computer screen and/or with each screen facing a wall within near-eye-level privacy partitions for each individual surfer.

What About "Child Porn"?

Scripture has much to say to general-public computer surfers regarding purity involving never seeking licentuous and lascivious impurity of lurid idolatry, nor the reasonable possibility of ever curiously searching for and inevitably encountering that. Pertinent Bible verses warn against fornication, adultery, and sodomy with anyone of any age.....not to force sex on anyone against their will....not sexually defraud our neighbors. Such Holy Writ must be alongside computer monitors for tempted surfers.

Hairless-genital infants are displayed to the shame and chagrin of the decent, while nudist-park toddlers pseudo?-innocently exhibit what underpants, bra, and panties normally would cover.

Such not-fully-developed, pre-teen/pre-puberty little people do not respond to nor appreciate what bare-crotch/genitally-minded adults get titillated by, and thus it is irresponsible for grownups to "awaken love before its time" and so offend against such persons.