Mission: Liberation

by: Dorothy
I tensed at the sound of voices. It rose and fell as they passed me. I hid at the foot of a hill, the ground was damp and mud seeped through my clothes. I was stiff and aching with cold, and tried to pull my jacket up around my head, but filled with dread at the noise I made. I stopped.

It was getting darker, and much colder. I could barely keep my eyes open. I heard yells of two people heading near me. Summoning strength, I waited until the chilling sea breeze rustled through the long grass, and scuffled to the top of the mound. I rose a fraction, as much as I dared, and peered over.

An enemy was racing after an ally of mine, that I knew from my cabin patrol. Her face was strained and she was screaming with fear and anguish, running for her life. I grimaced as they sped past my hiding spot and just as she reached the border, her pursuer tackled her and she collapsed, whimpering. I slid back down the hill and into the mud, shivering. I watched my friend be marched away.

It was calm now. The enemy guards had relaxed in their patrolling, and despite the random call or running feet, it was very quiet. The chance for success was now. But one sound and it was the end of me.

I crawled across the ground, I prayed, unnoticed, keeping where the grass grew long and moving only when the sound of wind through the grass masked the sound. The blue paint that streaked my face was a screaming sign I was of the rival side. It was so dark now that maybe they wouldn't see it. My hands were going numb and it was a struggle to drag myself along the ground. I couldn't let them catch me, not now, I was so close! The success of the mission was crucial. My team had suffered crippling losses. It depended on me. Before I knew it, I had reached an enemy cabin. I looked around.

I froze. Someone had spotted me, and was heading over. I rolled underneath the barrack, curled up tight and hoped he wouldn't see me. I could only hope with all my might the shadows would hide me.

A pair of feet came around, circled the cabin. Once, twice. I didn't dare move, a simple movement of a rock would alert him, and I'd be a sitting duck. I was helpless in their territory. I held no weapons- unless you counted my patriotic pride and fearless determination.
Therefore, I was doomed.

A stone was digging into my back, my leg was wedged underneath me and cramping insufferably. It cried to be stretched out. Cold sweat gathered on my forehead and my breath came in short, labored gasps.
Just then, his face appeared. He was looking underneath the cabin, straight at me. I almost screamed. But his eyes darted this way and that, and finally, with a puzzled look, he straightened and walked away.

I relaxed, willing my heart to resume beating. I shut my eyes and rolled out from underneath the cabin.

I was staring directly at a pair of feet. I had almost rolled right into them. I filled with horror. They belonged to the guy who had just checked underneath the cabin. I looked up, awaiting the inevitable.

He was facing the other way. I could hardly believe my luck. But then, he took a step backwards. His boot heel dug into my arm.
"WAAUGHHH-GLBB!!" I rolled back under the cabin as he stumbled and fell backwards. I heard him hit the wall of the builiding and I kept rolling, until I came out the other side.
It was a nightmare. He had recovered and was already coming around the corner. I swore my loudest, I was caught! Escape seemed impossible if only I hadn't strayed so far from the border..!

I scrambled to my feet adn broke out into a run. My feet seemed to disengage and tangle underneath me, my knees threatened to collapse. No... no...
I tripped, sprawled on the ground. I saw him coming closer, closer! I heard the cries of the captured from my team, held hostage in an enemy cabin, suffering and pounding on the walls.

To my disbelief, I was on my feet. He lunged forward and I threw myself to the side, did a sort of sideways somersault and bolted as soon as my feet hit the ground. I zigzagged like a jackrabbit, driven by panic. I whirled around to glance at the cabin which held the hostages from my team. It was heavily guarded. I had blown my chance. Mission Failed.

Now all I could do was run for my life. I raced down the terrain, desperately focusing straight ahead at the border. But I heard my pursuer's pounding feet behind me, terribly stronger and quicker than mine. My vision blurred and my heart felt as if it would pound right out of my chest! But the border was just ahead. I was going to make it! Please, I prayed, and surged forward.

My legs were pulled out from underneath me. My knees buckled and I went down like a rock. I lay, gasping, attempting to fill my sore lungs, heart hammering violently. I wiped my face, kicked the guy and stood up quickly, not about to allow him the courtesy to help me up.

"You okay?" He inquired. I shot him a withering look.
"DAMNit Allan, you know I can't run!" I complained.
Allan Lewis, my best friend's brother, tormenter to no end.
"You hid underneath a cabin!" He crowed. I brushed the mud off my clothes and marched myself to the hostages' cabin.

"Hey, nice try." Everyone said, very politely. But I knew what they meant: "I could have run faster than that." We were going to lose for the third time this week, because no one comes close enough to tag the front door, and set the hostages free.

I HATE Capture the Flag. But we always play it at summer camp.