It's Fast, It's Comfortable, and it's only Six dollars for the Plans!!


Would you like a Recumbent bike that's affordable and easy to build? The "no weld" recumbent bikes the way. A practical alternative to welding. Available in above seat steering. You don't have to be a frame builder, engineer or welder to build this simple bike. Built from two bikes and household tools.  Plans are illustrated to make things easy. There is a free message board with builders from all over the world, and free future updates included. Before spending alot of money on a new or used bike, put one of these together. Who said you couldn't build your own bike? They lied, fact is many people with little experience have done it ! It's fast, It's comfortable, and the plans are only six dollars ! What's more,  you don't have to worry about theft like an expensive store bought recumbent. I'm not making a bunch of money from this,  I do need to to cover the cost of maintaining this website. Thank you for visiting !

To Order from anywhere in the World   JUST CLICK THE PAYPAL ADD TO CART BUTTON BELOW , PAYPAL FAST & SECURE : Download the plans in Acrobat Form Now, no shipping! Please allow 1 or 2 days for an email with the link to download your plans, access the message board, and access to the No weld photo gallery.

Acrobat Plans



One of the most popular homebuilt recumbent projects in the world!