History of Mathematics
Scavenger Hunt


1. Who was one of the first African American women to receive a doctorate in
2. What is the name of Eratosthenes’ method of finding prime number?
3. Where was Sophie Germain born?
4. What mathematician(s) were born today?
5. By the end of what year had Sir Isaac Newton “worked out the corpuscular or emission theory”
    of how the effects of light are really produced?
6. What is a dodecagon?(Hint:  Look under Archimedes’ calculation of pi)
7. Who first studied prime numbers?
8. Using the literal Greek wording, a “polygon” is _____________.
9. Using the literal Greek wording, a “polyhedron” is _________________.
10. What are Napier’s bones?  What did they lead to?
11. What is Pascal’s triangle and what is the 7th row?
12.  Shortly after giving birth, what book did Emille deBreteuil place her baby on in order to finish a writing out a math problem?  Of course both did die shortly after.
13. How many cousin’s did Mary Somerville marry before she worked on mathematical translations and met Pierre LaPlace.
14. Who said this famous quote:  “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”?
15. Who said this famous quote:  “There is no branch of mathematics which may not be applied to the real world.”?
16. How many female mathematicians are listed in the Index of Biographies?
17. Who wrote their doctorate on, “On the one parameter subgroups in certain topological and matrix groups.”?
18. Search the MacTutor History Archive for a quote from Albert Einstein.
19. Who is the earliest mathematician recorded in this history archive?
20. Go to the Birthplace Maps.  How many mathematicians were born in France?