Little Apple Dolls
Daily diary
History of my girls

         Who came first
Animula was my very first lad. I was at a mall in early august ( I had never heard fr or seen lads b4, I was shopping for a birthday gift for my boyfriend and I stopped at Hot topic. Tucked away in the corner i saw, Erro i think it was and paused looking her over..a sales person came over and said oh theres an article on these dolls handing me a mag.. i real it over and was even more intriged , i though to myself i don't know what it is about her but i want her..then my buddy walked over to me i thought that he would instantly ridicule me but he looked at them and said cool..but i think that you should get this one he said taking erro out of my hands and pushing animula to me.. wow i thought but then i looked at the price and thought humm that's to much then i sat her down, but kept glancing at her as a browsed the store. then we went to the next store and she was all i could think about ( which is bad when your trying to buy a gift for some one else) i kept saying to Matt lets go  back then i'd say nevermind then i'd pause ( walking and talking) and say well. He stopped were he was and sat in the middle of the floor ( in the busy mall) and was like i'll just sit here untill you make up your mind, and i was like should i get her he was like YES. ( we were getting odd looks from some old guy) so i went back and got her (lol i was so distracted i forgot to by my boyfrined a birthday gift.
           Then came the three
After i got my first i was hooked on her a made her lots of out fits and planed lots of mini movies for us to make.. but then i thought maybe i should get more so i just order series ! which arrived right b4 halloween
         My last two
11/10 Iauna arrived in the mail then the day after ( today) erro arrived.
Me and the girls are getting ready for xmas


  This has been a very hectic week with the new arrivals and additions to our family the girls are settleing in very well. but today with the arrival of Erro confusion and a little Fussyness was sparked, right when she arrived little sine quickly stated, "That is
not Erro." When i told her that it was she replied, "i know what Erro looks like and her hair does not look like that," She said pionting an acusing finger at Erro. "Hers is shorter from when she got to close to the computer and her mommy had to cut it." I told her no no no that is your cousin Erro, this is your very own new sister erro, its just like how you have a big cousin Animula and a sister Animula. " Oh." she said with a pout. "Well, i wanted cousin Erro to come to play."  Cousin Erro live with her mommy and sisters, but this Erro will get to stay and live with us and be your new sister, plus she is very nice. "Oh, she said with a smile appearing on her face, "Then she can come sit with me." she said leading Erro over to the tea table.

    Animula the oldest, very quiet, plays with Circe mostly, doesn't cause a fuss, like to get dresses up but isn't into tea partie, very shy.
   Umbrae the second oldest and has to let everyone know it, can be very bossy and is the fussiest, picks on Sine and has to get her way, loves dressing up, very outgoing ( ever since she left her dark corner) what's to know what everyone is doing, good at sharing except with Sine, loves to try new things and food, thinks she's the bravest ( b/c she isn't afraid of the dark of shadows)

     Sine loves tea parties the most, and likes to keep secrets, goes off by herself and get afraid the easiest, loves her doll can be very fussy, doesn'y like to share exspecially with Umbrae, won't try new foods.

      Iauna likes to be around her sisters, but does her own thing, like  plain clothes ( black and white)and is very serious, is often seen sitting with her the others but internally distracted staring off or looking at her hands, trying to remember were her marks came  from, but can never remember
     Erro very easy going, likes to play with the others, shares everything
     Mentis very michevious, is the little dare devil likes her hair short and likes to color and read

     Irae likes to play with her flowers and keeps to herself most of the time
Currently working on

I was working on it today and got pretty far
  Toys and treats
many ideas
   Hoilday gifts and costumes