G*U*E*S*T*B*O*O*K - O*N*E

RJ - 12/21/97 05:07:21
My Email:smulskyr@student.lansing.cc.mi.us
Location: east lansing MI

To all you AV fans, you are the best!! ALPHAVILLE is the best band, in my opinion (hope I spelt that wright!) I am very upset at the underating of such an awesome band :(. O well at least there are people like yourselves who celebrate AV's music. AV-FOREVER-------with love R.J.

sten roar moum - 11/05/97 18:22:35
My Email:srmoum@online.no
Location: NORWAY


Formally known as Glenn - 11/04/97 13:02:45
My Email:benusr@za.spas.sk
Location: Slovakia

Hello everybody. Try to send me a mail if you a alphaville fan. Or visit Alphaville chat page: http://alphaville.netcns.com/chat/chat.html.

Beth - 10/21/97 03:54:15
My Email:edrewry@indiana.edu

PLEASE won't someone put a WAV sample of "Forever Young" on their Alphaville web page? I have been dying to hear the song for almost 10 years!! I'm a desperate woman!!

Dan - 10/10/97 03:47:47
My URL:http://www.netcns.com/~dan/
My Email:dan@netcns.com
Location: NYC, USA

Eh tachanka rastachanka! :)

Wendy Liu - 10/04/97 16:13:29
My Email:wendy@cisco.com
Location: San Jose, CA

Wish I could read Indonesian. Thanx for all the info. I've just rediscovered Alphaville and didn't know that they had so many hits. We never hear about them in the U.S.

leila zikry - 09/22/97 20:56:11
My URL:http://none
My Email:bawaki@ritsec2.com.eg
Location: Cairo, Egypt

I really love Alphaville! I'm looking forward to their new song.

Pokkai (PK) - 09/14/97 02:34:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/temple/7102/
My Email:pokki@juno.com
Location: Tigard OR (near portland)

Wussup, nice page, lots of info.come visit my asian page.

Icha - 09/12/97 14:16:56
My Email:icha@usa.net
Location: Purwokerto

Oasis - my fav, sorry

KADEK SUABUANA - 09/12/97 04:23:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/motorcity/speedway/1920
My Email:deckis@magaygy.maga.co.id
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Thanks ya, kamu udah maen ke homepage gue. Sekarang gantian gue yang maen ke sini. Homepage kamu oke juga lho. Animasi gif-nya lucu-lucu. Jadi pengen ngopy deh. Boleh ngga'.

david - 09/11/97 02:43:09
My Email:dbenson@osf1.gmu.edu
Location: USA

Keep me posted on any news about this great band

Sly - 09/09/97 03:13:56
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Temple/7253
My Email:sly486@oocities.com

Hey Thanx for visiting my page. I really like your page too. I will put more information about cricket in my page. If you have any specific area about cricet that you want to know let me know. so I can concerntrate more on that.

Gober - 09/06/97 16:11:11
My URL:http://cs.ac.id/robbie.html
My Email:robbie@speed-racer.com
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Trying GuestBook ...

Luthfi B Prasetyo - 09/05/97 06:33:33
My URL:http://www.multinusa.com
My Email:dajjal@atheist.com
Country: Jakarta

Emil, hebat juga ente punya kerjaan, bagus...

Jung Ho - 09/03/97 04:55:47
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/rurouni/
My Email:man_on_moon@hotmail.com
Country: USA

Nice page you have here! I like the design, and you have a lot of information. Keep it up!

Tito Haryanto - 08/30/97 04:20:22
My Email:Tito_H@hotmail.com
Country: Yk, Indonesia

This homepage is really nice but I don't have much time to read all of news

Robbie - 08/30/97 01:23:20
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Campus/5485/robbie.htm
My Email:robbie@cyberjunkie.com
Country: Indonesia

It's cool ...

Nikolaus Walch - 08/29/97 19:23:20
My Email:nawalch@sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
Country: Canada

Even though I only discovered Alphaville last year through the album "Forever Young", I know own "Afternoons In Utopia", "Breathtaking Blue", and "Prostitute". I want to find as many more songs and albums by Alphaville and Gold as I possible can. This music has changed, and saved my life. I only hope that I can find more.

Emil Harry Dewantara - 08/28/97 05:14:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/temple/7233/
My Email:dewaemil@oocities.com
Country: Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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