Mouse Club

Join Here!

Mouse Bar

So you've decided you want to join this club? Well then, just read the rules, follow them, and register here, and you will recieve your customized logo in your email box within a week!
Mouse Bar

Rules and Regulations

You must register each mouse separately
All forms MUST be filled out completely, or mailed to me completely
You need to be an active member and participate
You must have pets from the MousePad (not just mice, now!)
Be polite, and no spamming or anything like that
I have final judgement on membership (everyone's accepted, but will not be if you break the rules)
Have fun and enjoy the club!
Mouse Bar

Join the Mouse Club by filling out the form below...

Pet's Name:      

Parent's Name:      



What type of animal are you?

Please select your pet's birthday date below:

Have you read the rules, and do you agree to follow them?:

How can you help? Do you have any comments or suggestions?:

Can you recieve email attachments?

Don't Know
Thanks for applying! I'll get back to you soon!

If you don't get your graphic by exactly a week, don't worry, I'll get it to you..I might just be really busy.

Also, make sure ALL of your information was correct on the form, because otherwise I won't be able to add you to the club, or send you your membership badge!

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©1997 Fiona Warman