Cheat Vault 2K

Activating Cheat Options
To activate a cheat option, perform the corresponding action on the levels below.

Bonus Characters
To get extra characters in the multiplayer mode simply beat any level. Then just quit and select multiplayer. You will find a new character available. These characters start with different weapons and different amounts of health.
Submitted by Brian Samuelson

Extreme Mode
Beat every level getting all of the babes and killing all of the enemies and you get extreme mode. It is just a harder level of difficulty.
Submitted by Hightio

FPS Mode and Action Nuk'em Mode
When you beat the game you get these two modes. First Person Mode puts you in the perspective like in Duke Nuk'em 3D. Action Mode makes you have 1-hit kills.

FPS Mode...the easy way
Type these in at the "press start" screen. You will hear a horse neigh if done correctly. Down D-Pad, Up D-Pad, L, B, Z, Left D-Pad, C-up, C-Right, C-left, Z.
Submitted by res

Regain Health
When you shoot a fire hydrant in the game stand next to it and press the A button.This will replenish your health to 100.
Submitted by Jon W Brewbaker

Select Skin Cheat...the easy way
Type this in at the "press start" screen. You will hear a horse neigh if done correctly. Left-C, R, Left D-Pad, Up D-pad, Down D-pad, B, A, Z.
Submitted by res

Titanic Level
To access the Titanic level "GOING DOWN" find all the time machine pieces before you get to "THE RACK" and a second exit portal should appear in the room just off the first.
Submitted by The King

Wetworld Level
To access the "WETWORLD" level play through level 3 'NUCLEAR WINTER' and when you reach the rail tracks leading to the communicator you have to power up drop off onto the roof below where you will see a medi kit. Now jump off this roof into the water (which is only on 1 side) and swim to a floating platform where you will see the level exit.
Submitted by The King