Guild Positions
Mall Founders: 3 positions
The mall founders include Pinkwaterfallz, Djsammy36, and Radiant_thunder_3621. They hold the highest position in the Mall. Together these three friends put together the Enchanted Springs Mall and make up the Guild Head Council. These positions are not available to members. If for some unforeseen circumstance a mall founder were in a position to leave the Mall then a Store Manager would then fill the position.
Mall Supervisor and Mall Manager: 2 Positions
These positions make up the rest of the Guild Head Council. These positions are held by members who have proven themselves to be active, honest and trusted members of the Enchanted Springs Mall. Together with the Mall Founders they oversee the guild. They are included in all guild decisions and have access to the message board.  The Mall Supervisor is Head of Security for the Guild. They will enlist others to help in doing background checks on new members or applicants as they see fit. This is to keep scammers etc. from the guild. The Mall Manager is Head of the Helping Desk. They with the help of others will offer assistance to new members as well as the founders when needed.
Store Managers:
These are members of the guild in high standings. At this level you are able to run a Mall Shop. These members have proven themselves to be very active, and trustworthy. They are helpful to all members and assist the council as needed.  At this level members are responsible for Coupon Mondays. They are responsible for sending in 3 Mall Rat of the Month nominations to Pinkwaterfallz the last week of every month. They may be asked to assist in making Mall decisions when needed. These people assist  security as needed and together they form the "Help Desk"... They will watch for scammers, people who are rude on the message board, watch shopping sprees, and will vote on who will or will not be banned from the Enchanted Spring's Mall.  They will also check to make sure all new members are of age 18 or older, and report any underagers to Peelcentredr.  They will report all potential problems to Pinkwaterfallz,Tabu, and Djsammy, before voting on bans.  Any major problems are to be reported to the guild mall founders who have the final decision to ban or suspend someone. They are still very active, recruiting, donating, and buying from guild shops.
These people are very active in the guild donating to and buying from the guild shops,  leaving messages, and helping people on the message board.  They may now start being involved in guild decisions when called upon. They too are asked to send in 3 guild member of the month nominations at the end of each month to Pinkwaterfallz.
These members have a clear understanding of the mall rules. They have been active and helpful members within the mall. They set an example for members of lower rank. At this level you may now run a shopping spree after reading the rules and gaining approval from Tabu.
At this level you have been a member of the mall no less than 3 weeks. You are familiar with the rules and requirements of the Mall. You have proven to be active and helpful. You assist those in need and set an example to our trainees. At this level you may participate in shopping sprees but not host one until you are promoted to Clerk
Be an active member both on the message board and within the Mall. You have been a Mall member for no less than 2 weeks. You are becoming familiar with the Mall rules and requirements. Remember the key is to be active.

If you have any questions please ask a member of the Mall council.
The mall founders have two catergories that will be used as promotion guidlines:   Guild Shops (donating to or buying from any of our Official guild shops (list is in our Mall Directory on the Website).
Helping (answering other guild members questions, participating in guild contests, buying more than one item from the giveaway account, sending needed items to guild members, recruiting new members..stuff like that),
We also monitor the Message Board to see who leaves worthwhile messages.
To keep your current position, you should try and do a little something from both our catergories. But don't worry, if you cannot support the guild financially, just try and be as helpful as possible (see Helping section). We  will
NOT demote someone just because they cannot afford to donate to or buy from the guild shops.

Our guild cannot run on love alone so we will give extra promotion points to members who buy from the
mall vending machine and  Enchanted Spring's Mall guild accounts.

Along with monthly promotions we do demotions as well. This must be done in order to keep our guild active. If you aren't going to be online for a few days or are going to be away please neomail Pinkwaterfallz so we know why you are being inactive. We understand life happens and neopets is a game and we aren't your parents lol but we ask you let us know if you are able to, to avoid misunderstandings. Good luck and we hope you enjoy our guild. Please neomail council if you have any questions. Thank you :)