Mall Giveaway
Well, now that you have joined The Enchanted Springs Mall, it's time to learn about our weekly Mall Giveaway!  Okay, here's how it works:  Every week The Mall will be drawing 3 names for a neopoint prize!  The winners will be chosen using The amount of the prizes depends on the amount of neopoints donated to the Mallgiveaway account.  During the week, the mall giveaway will have various over priced items for sale in its shop.  To enter the drawing, you need to buy at least one of these items.  It doesn't matter how many neopoints you spend or how many items you buy.  Your name will be entered ONE TIME. We will give coupons to those of you who continue to buy items after you have already entered that week.  It will count under the "Helping" section. Also, PLEASE SEND THE ITEMS BACK TO THE ACCOUNT! I would hate to use a small portion of the neopoints restocking the shop. Thanx.  This will really help you earn those promotions and Mall Rat of the month honors! The total amount collected from Mon-Fri is the amount of neopoints that will be given away.  There will be a minimum first place prize of 10,000 neopoints! The Mall will generously donate this if we do not reach that amount during the week. Example of how we will divide up winnings:  let's say that 25,000 neopoints is collected.  The first name drawn will get 1/2- (12,500). That leaves a balance of 12,500.  That balance will then be divided between the next two names drawn making the second and third place winnings 6,250 each. So you see, the more you donate, the bigger the jackpot!  Each Monday will mark the beginning of a new giveaway and the pot will be at zero. You have until 8:00am NST on Friday, to enter. We will do the drawing sometime after. You then have until 6:00pm NST on Saturday to claim your winnings! If prizes are not claimed they are added to the pot for the following week.  This is a permanent giveaway and will not count as a regular guild shopping spree. So you will still be able to hold your personal shopping sprees.  Sorry you need to be a Cashier or above to participate. If you remember, it would be very kind of you to send the items you buy back to the account. That way we don't have to use jackpot money to buy more items to sell. Hope you guys have a lot of fun with this! Good luck!