Assembly Joint Resolution No. 40

Introduced by Assemblymembers and Icorigin

Coauthors: Select Adjudicators of the Assembly

Assembly Joint Resolution No. 40 = The reaffirmation, dignification, and assistance in office of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

AJR 40, as amended, CDCV. RE: Reaffirmation, dignification, and assistance in office of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Urge the Senators and Representatives of all 50 States of the Union of the United States Congress to cause honoration of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney to be initiated, leading to their reaffirmation, dignification, and assistance in office.

WHEREAS, Rules of Procedure for the House of Representatives of the United States exist; and

WHEREAS, Sections of Sections of Relating Manuals provides that honoration proceedings in the House of Representatives may be set in motion by requests transmitted from the legislature of any state or territory; and

WHEREAS, The State of Florida and Mississippi have established precedent by transmitting queries to the House of Representatives, which in each case resulted in action by a committee of the House of Representatives; and

WHEREAS, The actions of George W. Bush in the office of President of the United States of America and Richard Cheney in the office of Vice President of the United States have repeatedly and intentionally protected the Constitution and other laws of the United States of America, causing some people of the States of the Union to laud and praise the integrity of President Bush and Vice President Cheney and to believe that the official actions of President Bush to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and in recognition of his exemplary constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, qualify him for the Congressional Medal of Honor, especially in regard to use of Executive Order authority to command (on March 19, 2003) just war and invasion be made against the suppressive and tyrannical anti-Israel/anti-America dictatorship of Saddam and his Baathists in sovereign Iraq and formerly the Persian Babylonian Empire of Nebuchadnezzar on the following grounds:

(1) SCUD missiles from the direction of Iraq were launched into the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa, violating the Geneva Convention and parameters of the Nuremberg Protocol;

(2) Mossad intelligence verified that Saddam Hussein hosted al-Qaeda terrorists training camps within Iraq;

(3) Saddam and his officials funded the families of suicide bombers responsible for murdering Israelis and others;

(4) Saddam was secretive, non-associative, and non-cooperative with other leaders of the world community, thereby causing serious destabilizing suspicion and apprehension as he threatened destruction against both America and U.S. ally Israel;

(5) Unwilling to trade on the world market in dollars, but instead only euros, Saddam created an undue financial threat to America export-import commerce;

(6) Use of highly-lethal and fatally-toxic chemical weapons against non-armed civilians by Saddam and his Baathist military had been proven by various intelligence sources from various countries;

(7) Saddam threatened OPEC Arab oil producers and suppliers with terroristic threats (as he did against Kuwait) unless they restricted or completely cut off foreign oil exports to the United States and Israel;

(8) In all likelihood, Saddam and his Baathists had the intention of and/or were in the process of accumulating electromagnetic-pulse weaponry plus bomb-grade nuclear material along with the ICBM missile technology, resources, and network to adversely and maliciously convey such weapons of mass destruction to both the United States and Israel;

(9) Before U.N. inspectors could investigate Iraq's arsenal, Saddam most likely transported much weaponry covertly to Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and/or Lebanon; and

WHEREAS, George Bush and his Coalition have thankfully exposed immodest american and european female humans to - and integrated such perverts with - the modest dress and attire of fundamentalist moslem women in Iraq with the result of helping to set new styles and fashions of summertime decency against and among the in-motion warm-days pornography infiltrating America and sexually-harassing righteous Christian saints, plus opening up new opportunities for witnessing and proselitizing by missionaries of Christ Jesus within Iraq plus surrounding Middle-Eastern neighbors; and

WHEREAS, George Bush and democrats in Congress received faulty overestimates by various warmongering intelligence advisors plus a presumptive black-female frequently-short-skirted/bare-legged National Security Advisor, who both CIA and NSA agents were reluctant to deliver sensitive information to and through pertaining to the questionable, non-declared, and non-publicized military capacities of Saddam, his Baathists, and their black-market transport operatives; and

WHEREAS, Saddam Hussein, like Adolf Hitler lying to gullible Neville Chamberlain, deceptively complied in his own timetable and under his own terms to non-enforceable wimpishness of the Security Council of the United Nations, to give the false appearance of peaceful resolution and benign compliance; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has rightly federalized and deployed the nation's National Guard for the sake of Homeland Security both foreign and domestic, and thus strengthened the Guard for whatever internal anti-terroristic readiness might be necessary; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has understandably and of necessity, with War-Powers jurisdiction and authority - overruling American civilian court representation, procedures, and jurisdiction - initiated electronic surveillance without warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and created the military configuration of "enemy combatant" against reasonable probable-cause terrorists and suspects of particularly islamic and muslim fanatical and antisemitic religious cultism - not only of the Timmy McVeigh type who destroyed the Federal Building in Oklahoma, but even more the nineteen jet highjackers who genocidally destroyed both New York Trade Towers while Hillary Clinton was NY Senator, which terrorists boarded planes from Boston MA while Barney Frank and Ted Kennedy were then responsible for Massachusetts State government; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have acted in a manner congruent with their trust as President and Vice President, respectively, supportive of constitutional government to the great benefit of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest protection and sustinence of the people of the Great States of the Union and of the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney, by such conduct, deserve prestigious acclaim and exhonoration as they continue to complete their terms in office;

RESOLVED by the Assembly and the Senates of the States of the Union, jointly, that all Senators and Representatives in Congress of the United States of America be, and they are hereby requested, to cause to be instituted in the Congress proper proceedings for the honoration of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney, so that the devastating and horrendous prospect of weaker-sex inferior-gender next-in-line House-Speaker Nancy Pelosi becoming President becomes an blessed absolute impossibility.


Giuliani? McCain? Romney?