“Discoveries – Essonville Line takes one back into the past and into settlers’ lives ”
by Martha Perkins

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Cemeteries can tell us a lot about our past. Unfortunately, the stories are often sad. But carved into the gravestones are other tales about love which will never die, and a faith which saw the early settlers through their hard times.

The cemetery across the road from the Christ Church was one of my first stops along the Essonville Line, just off Highway 121 in Monmouth Township. Bordered on three sides by pine trees and the road on the other, its peaceful setting always caught my eye when I was on my way to Wilberforce.

I don’t think it’s strange that I find cemeteries attractive. A constant reminder of our past, and our shared destiny, they remind us to enjoy each day and not to get upset about the little things which can seem like big things without the perspective of time. And “there but for the grace of God go I.”