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INTR@EUROPA EXECUTIVE  program in Asturias´s Principality, North Spain

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bolanara.gif (224 bytes) Our program bolanara.gif (224 bytes) Sample timetable bolanara.gif (224 bytes) Our Bussines School bolanara.gif (224 bytes) Accommodation bolanara.gif (224 bytes)About Oviedo   bolanara.gif (224 bytes) Fligths and transportsbolanara.gif (224 bytes)Price bolanara.gif (224 bytes)Contacts       signupreturn.gif (2336 bytes) RETURN

The aim of Escuela Europea de Negocios de Oviedo   is to provide high-quality, practical education and training programmes in Spanish, to our international students: men and women of many different nationalities, cultures and vocations focused to companies culture in Spanish speaking market.
The School is open throughout the year to provide a learning environment with a correct balance in emphasis between training ethos and social atmosphere. Indeed, our courses and programmes reflect the workplace in terms of workload, personal involvement and professional responsibilities. Clients are encouraged to take responsibility for their own development. Self-motivation is therefore high, and this leads to rapid progress in acquisition of accurate and fluent communication skills.
Moreover, the functional and practical emphasis in our training methods, ensures that clients remain motivated and interested throughout their programmes. A wide range of effective teaching methods is utilised to suit different types of learner. Our interactive methods are designed to stimulate interest, inspire motivation, increase the efficiency of the learning process and achieve the highest possible levels of retention.Flechatop3.gif (310 bytes)
As a mark of our quality, the School is accredited with ISO9001 Certification.
A net of companies associations are linked with the School for the students workplacements.
The trasnational projects are developed by  EUROPARTNER.jpg (17740 bytes)

v   Language tuition : 18,5 hours /week

v     Guest lecturer on specific business-related topics : 5 hours/week

v     Airport transfer

v     Lunch voucher (7 days)

v     Course materials

v   Accomodation  (hotel *** or residence).

v     4 afternoon visits + guide  (public transport)Flechatop3.gif (310 bytes)

v     One saturday all day excursion by coach with tourism guide

v     2 guided visits to local companies












Arrival accomodation

9-13 a.m

9-13 a.m

9-13 a.m

9-13 a.m

9-13 a.m



All day tryp and social activities




Wellcome  Course Objectives Spanish   Language tuition


Spanish   Language tuition


Spanish  Language tuition


Spanish  Language tuition


Spanish Language tuition:

Language in focus

15-17,30 p.m.

15-17,30 p.m.

15-17,30 p.m.

15-17,30 p.m.

15-17,30      p.m.



Language tuition


Guest lecturer 1: i.e.

Human resources at Spanish companies


Guest lecturer 2: i.e.

Risk and safety in companies


Local companies visit


Meeting with representatives of Entrepreneurs Association and Chambers of Commerce












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It is possible the accomodation in the city in hotel of three stars in the center, to five minutes from the School or also in the countryside, in a place well release and endowed with sport facilities, to alone 12 minutes of bus

Meals could be in the same place of residence or in any of the numerous restaurants that there is in the surroundings of the School

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RESIDENCEFlechatop3.gif (310 bytes)

Oviedo, a university city and the cultural and commercial capital of Asturias, stands on a raised site on a fertile plain. The nearby coal mines have made it an important industrial centre since the 19th century. It retains some of the atmosphere of that time, as described by Leopoldo Alas ("Clarín") in his great novel La Regenta.

In and around Oviedo are manyFlechatop3.gif (310 bytes) Pre-Romanesque buildings. This style flourished in the 8th-10th centuries and was confined to a small area of the kingdom of Asturias, one of the few enclaves of Spain not invaded by the Moors.

Places of Interest. The nucleus of the medieval city is the stately Plaza Alfonso II, bordered by a number of handsome old palaces. On this square is situated the Flamboyant Gothic cathedral with its high tower and asymmetrical west façade. Inside are tombs of Asturian kings and a majestic gilded reredos. The cathedral's supreme treasure is the Cámara Santa, a restored 9th century chapel containing statues of Christ and the apostles. The chapel also houses many works of 9th century Asturian art including two crosses and a reliquary - all made of gold, silver and precious stones. Also situated in the Plaza Alfonso II is the Iglesia de San Tirso. This church was originally constructed in the 9th century, but subsequent restorations have left the east window as the only survivingFlechatop3.gif (310 bytes) Pre-Romanesque feature.

Sited immediately behind the cathedral is the Museo Arqueológico, which is housed in an old monastery with fine cloisters. It contains local prehistoric, Roman and Romanesque treasures.

The Museo Bellas Artes, in the handsome 18th century Velarde Palace, has a good range of Asturian and Spanish paintings, such as Carreño's portrait of Carlos II. Two of the most significant Pre-Romanesque churches are on Mount Naranco, to the north.Flechatop3.gif (310 bytes)

         San Tirso el Real Churrch                             Cathedral

        Images from Asturias

         Oviedo: façade on Marqués de Santa Cruz av.                Oviedo: Campoamor theatre

San Julian de los Prados






Some links you should visit

[ tourist guide of Asturias ]

[ map of Oviedo ]

Oviedo city council ] Spanish

          HOTEL 3 ***               RESIDENCE          
1759 € 1112 €


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Muñoz Degraín, 14 B F.

33007 OVIEDO

Tfno  + 34 985 27 10 19

Fax   + 34 985 27 58 57       signupreturn.gif (2336 bytes) back to INTRAEUROPA page