***Everything You Wanted to Ask Laco$te...***

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Laco$te?
We are Laco$te, French rap group from Los Angeles, wow! We are rap, short songs, sometime more electronic, sometime more old school beats, but first we are party music. We are 1/2 boy from Belgium, 1/2 girl from K-Town. We like play with many great noise and rock bands. Sometime we have slide projections, and many costume change in a 20 minutes. So now I ask you, who is #1 French rap in L.A.?

What is Laco$te doing now?
DJ Felldown: We recording an EP. Mlle hope to call it Twink + Twinkie, but perhaps no. We taking a vacation from the bathroom party circuit to play the west coast. We like the acoustic in the bathrooms, even if everyone is crowd in there. I would like to play in the bar mitzvah or yacht party. Then I would know we have had a big success.

What do you think about the native French speakers who characteristically point out after shows that they can't understand anything you say in French?
Mlle X: Some of us still haven't woken up to the fact that there is a long held, respected tradition in music of Asian girls singing with bad pronunciation.

Since some of us don't have the privilege of speaking French, why don't you tell us what your songs are about?
It's quite fun actually. We rap about important people like the Baron Von Gloeden, who partied with priests and took photos of half dressed adolescents...also maternal love, filial love, milkmen, K-town girls. The K-town girls (les filles coreenes) is a very popular song; especially the lines "Elle roule sa benz sur Olympic Boulevard, Ca crache les dollars, Ca crache les dollars..." Everyone can understand that.

What's up with "Eurotrash Forever"? Strictly speaking, isn't only half of Laco$te really Eurotrash?
What is the Asian equivalent of Eurotrash, I ask you? I am happy to use it.

Any shout outs?
Mlle X: Jacques Torres from the FC.

Do you have a problem with audiences not understanding French?
DJ Felldown: No, everybody love French. An important part of Laco$te is educating people to say things like "la fete" and "ouais ouais."