Welcome to the Chat-O-Matic Atheist Witnessing Tool

Or for you more romantical geeky types, you can all it "Infinite White"
after that chess playing super computer - "Deep Blue"

Go directly to the Start Page



Do you ever get the calling to witness to atheists but don't respond because you don't know how to start?

Have you ever tried, but got pulled around from one point to the next spending hours getting nowhere?

Are you just too chicken to do it?

Well fret no more - help is here!

The Chat-O-Matic is specifically designed to get you started on the right foot when debating skeptics on the Christian faith. It will also help you obey Jesus' command in not throwing your pearls before swine.

Operation is simple. From the Start Page, follow the directions in red type. Mostly you will copy and paste the black type as responses (note: Chat-O-Matic was specifically designed for use in chat rooms, but can also be used in e-mail dialogues as you will see later).

The basic format consists of asking the skeptic questions, then clicking on the response in underlined blue type (which is a hypertext link to the next page of the script) which represents the skeptic's answer. The next page will direct you what to say or do (note: some original responses on your part will be necessary at different phases).


Basic Guidelines for Dialogue

Pray for wisdom and guidance before entering a debate.

Spend time learning the script and its answers before using it. Practice with a friend first.

View the examples below to see how the script can work.

Don't respond to other skeptics trying to enter the dialogue. Stay focused on one person.

Keep control of the conversation. Get answers to your questions and stick with the script.

Don't expect to get any converts instantly. Your mission is to pull weeds and plant seeds.



Atheist Enters a Christian Chat Room

Into The Hornets' Nest - entering an atheist chat room

An E-Mail Dialogue

Note: all nonrelevant dialogue has been omitted. Statements in gray are made by people not in the discussion, but commenting on the topic being debated.



Send me your dialogues! If they went good or bad, people can learn from them. Just copy and paste from the chat room and e-mail to me and I'll post them. (Note: Don't send screen captures. I will need them already converted into text.)

Did you get a skeptical response not covered by the Script? If so, e-mail it to me and I'll modify as necessary.


Go to the script Start Page