
Elections are over, but few ever guessed
That Bush was with voters so happily blest
We have to admit that we were among those
Not knowing the outcome would be very close.

The pundits and pollsters who tried to foretell
Were simply astounded by that which befell
They found that they could not infallibly show
The way the opinions of Christians would go.

American voters were savvy and keen
To see thru deception of Kerry and Dean
They plainly decided to give little heed
For 'orthodox' Lieberman's liberal creed.

Supporters of Edwards thought good looks and charm
Would give even skeptics no cause for alarm
With platitudes-bellowing Sharpton the black
They could not imagine the chance of setback.

Lamenting and moaning, perplexed in their plight,
They will not admit that religious are 'right'
As with the defeat of Al Gore in the past
The judgment was rendered when ballots were cast.

Yet still pressing on with abortionist rites
And homo-effeminate sodomy bytes
They talk of more power for feminist twits
Thus give any moderate frustrating fits.

In pseudo-omnicience, 'evolving' all-wise,
They boast of not knowing, while Truth they despise
Miscalling it "bondage" to robe up with shawl
Diverse sex diseases will be their downfall.

And so they presume to succeed later on
Refining their lies and imposing their con
Again they will lose as they give us their fill
But Jesus our Ruler will do His own will.

[ excerpts credited to Peder Andrew Langvand ]