Mother Teresa uber Alles
Mother Teresa, asked when it was she
started her work for abandoned children,
replied, "On the day I discovered I had
a Hitler inside me."

After the trains had been stopped in their tracks

and the barbed wire flattened by Allied tanks,

after they tallied the rumor of horror

with shoes and bones, she left Poland

disguised as a peasant, gave up

her relationship with Goering and began

dreaming of the Pope, humming Gregorian

chants while she walked all the way to India,

her heart an enigma not even she understood.

In Calcutta she smiled

to see such squalor, for though Hitler was dead,

his designs were perennial.

As she lifted the fleshy faggots

of rags from the street and carried them

to her makeshift hospital, a perverse mathematics

filled her head with calculations

for an army of uniformed sisters

whose habit demanded nothing less

than conquering the miserable world.