The digital tour was supposedly a walkthrough of our future church building divided into a series focusing on the different parts of the structure (auditorium, gym, offices, etc.,). Our first episode featured the facade, the lobby and a bookstore. It was a success on its own, but we were unable to follow through because the designers and architects became too busy to do the detailed blueprint which I needed to generate the 3d versions. I still believe we will be able to continue the series when our architects will have ample time for the project. A lot of our members were already asking me when it will be shown again.

Below is a simple explanation how I go about the movie.

1. I shot the actress (Arcel) over a bluescreen or bluewall then let her do what she does best..talk :).

2. After all bluescreen shots were done. I imported the movie clips to my PC. I used a fairly simple and cheap capture card Asus AGP 3800.

3. Now that my clips are digitized. It's time to build the environment. In this case, the front door of the new building.

4. I carefully reproduced the 2d blueprints into 3D. Building from scratch including the furnitures, plants, etc.

The 3d background (Click pic to enlarge).

5. After the 3d model was completed. It's time to composite the two image. I primarily used Adobe Premier for my editing. After applying a bluescreen transparency you will see the final image below.

Below is a sample movie in animated gif format. The movie may take awhile to play coz it will load all the frames first. After that, the movie will play smoothly. A little patience is needed. :)


Want to see more images from the Digital Tour? click here - Joseph

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