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Pocket money, gift parcels - not sword and and prayer book
By D Piyasoma

Frederica Jansz is very correct when she objects to force being used to settle religious issues. She is also correct in stating that Buddhist missionaries enabled Buddhism to spread from Asia minor to China and Japan. She is, however, ignorant or has ignored to mention that these Buddhist missionaries did not force their entry into any country or a home backed by an army as the Christian missionaries did in Sri Lanka or America for Buddhism is not a militant religion.

As in Sri Lanka the Buddhist missionaries were invited to these countries and accepted and cared for by the populace. This is the practice even today and a Buddhist monk does not enter even a Buddhist home for a religious purpose without an invitation - aradana. The new religion harmonised with the prevalent beliefs and customs of the host country and goodwill prevailed.

The recorded history of Christan evangelism in Sri Lanka is a history of destruction, bloodshed and bribery. The destruction of the Kelaniya temple, the temple complex of Devundara, the attempt to destroy Tissa dagoba are well remembered. Yet, when the Dutch persecuted the Catholics, the King of Kandy, on request, permitted Wahakotte and Madhu church to remain in his terrority to this date, without harassment! This act enabled Rev, Fr. HosephVaz to move freely in the Kandyan areas catering to the needs of the Catholics who were harassed by the Dutch who worshipped the same God.

In Venezuela the record of the Spanish is no better. In North America the land grab and the oppression of the native Indians with the opening of missionary stations up to San Francisco is well known Europe felt the weight of the Church in the Dark Ages and so did the Saracens during the 'Holy' ward. The Christian church has been able to keep these ungodly acts a secret from its flock. With this surfacing evidence fearing a reversal of faith in America and Europe attention is diverted to Africa and Asia which has now become the playground of the paid missionaries.

Unlike the sword and the prayer book of the old Christian missionaries, the new genera invade homes with money in the pocket and gift parcels in the hand. Fearing a revival of the old unjust practices, the people retaliate.

This, Frederica J. is the cause of the "Conversion confusion" over which you were apparently confused when you wrote to The Sunday Leader of September 11.