SEO tips and techniques, XML Schema Viewer / XSD Viewer

Personal homepage of Frank Kilkelly. Freeware XSD Viewer / XML Schema Viewer.



XSD Viewer / XML Schema Viewer - Browse XSD files
SchemaViewer 2.0

SchemaViewer is a plugin-based viewer that allows you to easily view different types of document. If a plugin exists for an document then it will load automatically when a document is opened. Current highlight is a plugin that makes SchemaViewer an XML Schema viewer/browser (browse .xsd files).

Click here for a list of plugins currently developed for SchemaViewer.

XML Schema Plugin

This plugin eliminates tedious browsing of XML Schema documents by representing them as a tree structure. Also elements are hyperlinked in the display pane to allow browser-type navigation.

  • Allows you to quickly and easily browse the contents of any W3C-compliant XML Schema (.xsd).
  • If the XML Schema has any import or include statements this plugin will include the contents of the corresponding XML Schema (.xsd).
  • Displays any XML Schema as a tree comprising of elements encountered within the schema/s.
  • If an element has 'type', 'ref' or 'base' attributes then the referenced element will appear as a hyperlink to that element in the display pane
  • Use the 'Back' and 'Forward' buttons provided to review and revisit past element navigation.
  • Easily sort the elements in the tree by using the handy 'View' menu. Sort either alphabethically or by document order. Also sort by individual element type e.g. complexType, simpleType, attribute
SchemaViewer in action viewing an XML Schema

SchemaViewer in action viewing an XML Schema (.xsd file)

System requirements:
You must have Java Run-Time Environment 1.3.1 or higher installed on your machine and a recommended 64MB of RAM.

Free Download:

Current version  2.0

All operating systems::

  • SchemaViewer 2.0  (no installer)If you have trouble with the installer program on any of above downloads download this zip file instead. Read 'HowToRun.txt' to find out how to run the application.

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Link looks like this: Freeware XML Schema Viewer

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To report a bug or make suggestions email frakilk at yahoo .com

Looking for SchemaViewer 1.0? Click here

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