Starsky & Hutch hit the small screen on September 1, 1975 on the ABC television network. Created by William Blinn, Starsky & Hutch quickly became a hip, top rated show, and was unlike any other police show at the time. The series starred David Soul as Detective Sgt. Kenneth Hutchinson. "Hutch", the more reserved, well read, health food nut hailed from South Dakota and drove a much loved, but beat up car, much to Starsky's dismay. Paul Michael Glaser co-starred as Detective Sgt. Dave Starsky, the brash, street wise, junk food eater. Starsky hailed from the city, and his two loves were his car and food. Although Starsky & Hutch's personalities were opposite, the two couldn't have made a better pair. The crime fighting duo sought justice in all they did, even if it meant bending the rules at times. The bond between Starsky & Hutch was unbreakable. They were friends first, cops second, and layed their life down for each other on many occasions. Part of what made Starsky & Hutch different from other shows, is that the show not only portrayed the duo as cops, but also focused on their relationship as friends. At the helm, was the long suffering, donut eating Capt. Harold C. Dobey, played by veteran actor Bernie Hamilton. With a rough exterior and always serious demeanor, Dobey was a straight shooter and good cop. But underneath, Dobey wasn't as rough as he appeared, and let a lot of things slide, as he knew Starsky & Hutch were his best men. Dobey could often be seen raiding the vending machines and fighting with Starsky over food. Last but not least, was Huggy Bear, played by Antonio Fargas. Huggy was the duo's ultra hip street wise informant, and considered a trusted friend. Huggy could usually be seen involved in once crazy business venure after another. And on occasion, Starsky was one of Huggy's most willing customers, purchasing such things as a pet rock, and good luck charms, just to name a few. The fifth cast member of course, was the famous "striped tomato", (as referred to by Hutch), and Starsky's pride and joy. The red Torino was actually never a favorite of Glaser and Soul, and especially disliked by Glaser, who was not a fan of Ford vehicles at the time. But to fans of the show, the car became an icon. So much so, that the Ford Motor Company actually marketed around 1,000 special edition Gran Torino hardtops during the 1976 model year with the Starsky and Hutch paint job. Today, some original Torinos can still be seen cruising the streets. A testament as to what a piece of history Starsky & Hutch became. David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser worked 12 - 16 hour long days to ensure that the show produced was quality. They fought for better scripts, and both actors even had turns at directing a few episodes. The actors were proud of the show, believed in it , and took their job seriously. It certainly showed. Soul and Glaser were, and still are the best of friends off screen, which came across on screen and showed in their respective characters. They brought so much to the characters, and thereafter, many shows copied Starsky & Hutch, but none could compare. So a big thank you to David and Paul for sticking to your strong work ethic and demanding quality for the show. This website is dedicated to you, guys - thanks!!