To dispatch Service Requests to Service (Service Details)

  1. Locate and select the Service Request you want to dispatch.

  2. Click on the Activity Plans tab.

Note: The Activity Plan view screen will appear.

  1. Click on the images/ebx_1216430349.gif button.

  2. A new record with a Planned Start field will default with current date and time.

  3. Select Service Information from the Template field.

  4. Click on the Activities tab.

Note: The Description, Activity # will default. The Activity Type fields will default with Information Needed. The Last Name, Employees, Planned Start, will auto-populate.

  1. Select In Progress from the Status field.

  2. Enter appropriate information asked for in the Comments field.

Caution: It is extremely important we fill out the information requested in the Comments field so the customer can receive better service. If the customer approved a format - reload, ensure you set the customer's expectations that they need to back up important data before sending or bringing the system in for service.

  1. Select Done from the Status drop-down list.

Caution: You do not have to click on the Service Details tab if you are instructing the customer to go to a Country Service Center. You will need to assign the Service Request to the specific Country Service Center.

  1. If assigning to Country Service Center, go to Step 16.

  2. Click on the Service Details tab.

Note: The Service Request/Service Details screen will appear.

  1. Click on the images/ebx_-1155349259.gif Select button in the Address Line 1 field.

Caution: Account address information MUST be entered using the images/ebx_-1155349259.gif Select button to activate the Address Validation system.

Note: You are selecting the address the customer wants the system shipped back to after service. A PO box is not a valid shipping address.

Caution: If you need to enter a new address, you can by selecting the New button on the Account Addresses dialog. Refer to Chapter 3, Managing Accounts for step-by-steps on adding addresses.

Note: The Account Addresses pick-list window will appear.

  1. Highlight appropriate address.

  2. Click on the images/ebx_2131707714.gif button.

  3. Select the images/ebx_1651755897.gifSystem OOW check box if the system in out of warranty.

  4. Scroll up to the Service Request.

  5. Select Service from Status field.

  6. Select Awaiting Customer System from Substatus field.

  7. Click on the images/ebx_-1155349259.gif Select button in the Owner field.

Note: The Pick Service Request Owner pick-list window will appear.

  1. Select User ID from the Find field.

  2. Enter TELEPLAN, SF_SERVICE or specific Country Service Center into the Starting with field.

  3. Click on the images/ebx_22621819.gif button.

  4. Search results display in window.

  5. Highlight the TELEPLAN, SF_SERVICE or Country Service Center record.

  6. Click on the images/ebx_2131707714.gif button.

Note: The Owner field will populate with TELEPLAN, SF_SERVICE or Country Service Center. The Service Request will then interface to Teleplan if assigned to Teleplan.

