Allegiance: Decepticon
Name: Turbomaster Bruticus
Function: Gestault Warrior


Rebuilt from the remains of the Combaticons on Warworld, Bruticus is ready to fight again!

A meld of the five original combaticons' minds and abilities makes for effective attacks. Bruticus can destroy his enemies with ultrasonic waves and smash metal bridges with a single chop of his hand. Once he starts running wild he is like a tank...unstoppable. Carries a sonic slam gun and a back-mounted dual-missile cannon. Able to fly short distances. Armor is nearly impervious to attack.

The fragmented memories from the multiple 'deaths' of his original component pieces still haunts him. He tries to compensate for this by fighting even fiercer in battle, causing him to lose his battle strategy. The loss of his ability to seperate or to transform limits his effectiveness in numerous situations.

Notes: Remember the G2 comic? The scene where Cybertonian troops are plowing thru the deceps on Warworld? There was a panel showing Onslaught and company lying deactivated in a smoking heap of wreckage. I have trouble believing that such a thing could happen to one of my fav teams! So I imagine that they were rescued, and what parts and personality components were left were salvaged and built into a new body. Unfortunately, this body can no longer transform, but it is a small price to pay for increased power ;-) I refuse to utter the word 'nucleon'.....however, there was an actionmaster in the uk named Turbomaster...who bore a striking resemblence to Bruticus(albiet pink in color)...the idea of a gestault being stuck in combined mode came from seeing Devastator being rebuilt like this in a uk comic.

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