
August 8th

Hey everyone! How's it going? It finally feels like summer, doesn't it? I've been sitting at home with nothing to do. I'm going to Japan at the end of August and since this is a Japanese Anime Fan Site, I thought it'd be cool to spread the news. I know that many of you is jealous right now (not to point it out or anything) but I can take many, many pictures for you guys to enjoy when I get there. I enjoy photography =). So yeah, there's only one more month of summer vacation left, enjoy it wisely. Remember to sign my guest book!!

June 28th, 2005

Wow, I'm so surprised. I haven't updated this site for such a long time and people still come visit once in a while. By the way, Hotmail has cancelled my email address Gemini_Sakura[at]hotmail.com for a while because I haven't used it in such a long time. I've been getting sick of my email address, so I think the Gemini account might come in handy soon. But yes, it is renewed and I am able to recieve those wonderful mails again. I am just so glad. I checked just today where [Sweet-Sakura] stands on the Top CardCaptors sites, and we're #3!! Keep those votes comin' in! I'm counting on you guys *wink*

February 16th, 2005

Thank you for visiting everyone! And special thanks for the people who had voted for us in the top CCS Sites. Thank you so much! Arigato! Without you guys, this site would have been closed down a long long ago. Today, when I came in to update it, I realized that the number on the counter has gone up by 236! I tried to figure out what I did lately to have people comin in and visiting. And then I remember I added a link where people can vote for me. I think that's where I got most of my hits from. Anyway! THANK YOU ALL FOR SUPPORTING [SWEET-SAKURA] IN THE PAST YEAR OR SO AND WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO MAINTAIN THIS GOOD STUFF FOR YOU ALL.

June 28th, 2004

Hey there everyone, sorry for not posting for such a long time. Just didn't feel like it, or too many things to do. I saw in the guestbook an anime cartoon character, I'm not an anime character. Also, yes, this is the dubbed version of Cardcaptors. It may not be as good as the non-dubbed version but blame that on Nelvana; it wasn't my fault. I added a new section under STUFF, it's called "Mini Collection". It's a collection of cardcaptor animated gifs i have found all over the internet. Enjoy! =)