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8.22.03 14:23
Alright, finally added a few screens from Episode 001. More screens should be added throughout today.

Screens Added:
8 Episode 001

8.17.03 24:55
My god.. I haven't done anything here like I said I would ! I'm soo sorry! *bows down to everyone* So so sorry! I promise to all who have asked for images I will take care of it right away as soon as I can. And... I'll start putting up more stuff again. I need to get ahold of the DVds again though. I have over 100 screenshots to upload, so there will still be lots of media to browse through.

In other words, we're now affiliated with Shaman Oversoul!! Woohoo!

6.29.03 22:57
I'm going to be in New Zealand for three weeks as of tomorrow.. so I won't have any new updates until about the 22nd on July... But I will put a lot of screens up to compensate for lost time.

6.25.03 16:35
Okay, sorry about that last update, but today, I have 19 more opening screen shots uploaded, which completes our Opening Sequence Section! Yay! I'll be working on getting a few shots from Episode 1 up tonight as well. I will have a small section up about Shaman King sometime in the near future- with character profiles and all that junk.

Screens Added:
19 Opening Sequence

6.23.03 15:03
Sorry for not updating th epast few days, I won't make any excuses because well.. that's pointless. Regardless, we've been listed at AniPike, so woohoo! I definitely will have more screens up this evening.

6.19.03 18:39
All pages are now existent and in working order. Woohoo! And I added in the first few screens to make sure this place isn't empty for more than one day.

Screens Added:
2 Commercial Transistions
8 Opening Sequnce

6.18.03 19:56
Well.. it seems that the "About" and "Screen" base pages are up... no screens yet... but there is some data in those pages. Screens will be up tomorrow, promise.

6.18.03 18:11
Welcome to Hyoi Gattai! Let's see.. the site was just "born" today, so there is much work to be done! But you can look forward to tons of SK screens in the next coming days.