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God's Model ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom

An edited version of Mrs. Moon’s speech currently being given to 120 Nations on her world tour (April 28-August 30, 2006).

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

Distinguished world leaders, Ambassadors for Peace and blessed family members who have come from all parts of the world in hopes of bringing about the realization of world peace, and building of the ideal hometown in Heaven and earth.

My deepest gratitude to all of you for coming to this meeting in spite of your busy schedules. Your participation will help to expand and elevate the Family Party for Cosmic Peace and Unification; and to make the Universal Peace Federation a model UN-type organization; also, to make Cheon Il Guk the Kingdom of the peaceful ideal world.

As the co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation, I would like to convey to you the essence of the truth of Heaven.

Ladies and Gentlemen!
At the age of sixteen, my husband was called by Heaven. He has been following this path for more than eighty years, looking only straight ahead. No one among the 6.5 billion people on earth could ever comprehend his journey. Even through his hardship of six times imprisonment, he never let go of the key of God’s providence. He came to know the great sorrow of God’s heart and that without the liberation of His heart, human life would continue without value.

As the co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation, I would like to convey to you the essence of the truth of Heaven

The parent-child relationship which God intended for Himself and Adam and Eve was severed due to their Fall. They formed a blood relationship with His enemy, Satan.

The only way to relieve God’s sorrow is to restore a true family unrelated to the lineage of Satan. Had Adam and Eve perfected themselves and became the True Parents creating the true family, they would have come to resemble God one hundred percent, both in their inner nature and external form. God intended that they became the embodiment of His love and multiply true children, thus creating the ideal world. The spirit world and physical world would be connected through them.

When Adam and Eve pass to the spirit world, God could take on the spirit body of Adam and Eve and manifest as the True Parent through their form. God does not need money, knowledge or power. He is the absolute and almighty Being. He wanted Adam and Eve to fulfill the Four-Position Foundation. This is the ideal family which is in complete union with God. This accomplishment makes it impossible to separate from God’s realm of love no matter how hard they try. When the family four-position is completed, that family becomes a family of the ideal of creation desired by God.

The union of husband and wife, in love, symbolizes the unity of Heaven and earth.

The only way to relieve God's sorrow is to restore a true family unrelated to the lineage of Satan

Ladies and gentlemen! God created the world to receive joy from it. He created a partner with whom He could share the giving and receiving of love. Alone, He could not experience love.

God, as the Father, and humankind as His children, were to have formed a vertical axis which nothing in the universe could break apart.

With the coming of spring, honeybees wake up from their long slumber, they get the taste of fresh nectar of the blooming flowers. Even if their abdomens are pulled off they would not let go. How about you? Once you really get to know the taste of God’s true love, you won’t get far from it before you come back and cling to it again.

Ladies and gentlemen, the reason we miss the family that we have left behind is because, at home, there is love for one another. This is where the love of the whole family and of neighbors are fully embedded. Now, the way has been opened to return to our original hometown. The time of heavenly power and fortune has now come, making it possible for us to reestablish the original family that was lost through the Fall.

God will dwell in such family, a family of three generations living in harmony as one. Parents and children living in service and attendance to the grandparents as the historical root of the ancestors.

The family sets the pattern for living together in harmony. It’s where the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bear the fruit of true love.

You as Tribal messiahs and Ambassadors for Peace are responsible for establishing such a family

In such family, the root of history is alive, and the root of the Kingdom of Heaven extends into it. It is also where the everlasting root of kingship is firmly planted (the kingship of grandparents representing God and ancestors, parents as present king and queen, and children as princes and princesses). You as tribal messiahs and Ambassadors of Peace are responsible for establishing such a family.

In this family, the four great realms of heart: parental, conjugal, siblings’ and filial loves are perfected. This will lead to God’s ideal families and nations, and His Peace Kingdom.

Ladies and gentlemen! Why should we get married? It is to restore the position of the owner. A man or woman alone can only be one halfof the whole. That is how God created us. For that reason He has interchanged the owners of the reproductive organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife reproductive organ is the husband, and the owner of the husband's is the wife. Only when each is rooted in love for the other can they stand in the position of the owner of their spouse. We marry to secure the position of the owner.

Speech Continues.. Click here:Mrs. Moon.

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