Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
It'll Kill You If You're Not Careful!
If you haven't heard or read about anyone actually dying from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or CFS, that's probably because this is a disease you die with, not a disease you die directly of.

What usually happens is this: a person with CFS gets the flu, or is involved in a car accident, or has to have chemotherapy or major surgery for some other illness, but because of the reduced stamina from the CFS, the affected person is not able to fight off the flu or recover from that accident or tolerate that chemo or surgery, and they die from one of those causes, not from CFS.

Translation:  Those of us with CFS must be extra vigilant as we take care of what remains of our health and go about our daily lives. We have to get our flu shots on schedule, and not take any unnecessary risks.

I've had this nightmare of a disease since September 2000, and have had to learn to live with it and not die with it. This part of my web site is devoted to how I do that.

However, I am not a medical professional. I'm just another patient with my own opinions

Please promise me that you will never, ever, EVER act on any medical advice you read on the Internet, mine or anyone else's, without first consulting an appropriate health care provider!
Last Updated 3/4/08.