Programming in C 

Useful Links to C/C++


1.   Program to get and display a number
2.   Program to get and display a character
3.   Program to convert a lowercase character to uppercase using function
4.   Program to find the first n fibonacci series numbers using recursive functions
5.   Program to find the factorial of a number using recursive functions
6.   Program of towers of hanoi
7.   Program to find the GCD of two numbers using recursive functions
8.   Program to find the roots of quadratic equations
9.   Program to count the occurances of a particular word in the input stream
10. Program to check if the input word,pharse or sentence is a palindrome
11. Linear and Binary Search
12. Bubble sort on integers and strings   -    With Dry Run
13. Program to display a pyramid of numbers
14. Program to count the number of vowels in the input stream
15. Implementation of Stack using arrays
16. Evaluation of Suffix expression using Stack
17. Conversion of an Infix expression to Suffix expression using Stack
18. Implementation of Queue using Arrays
19. Process a linear linked list of strings
20. C Program to create a Sub Directory using DOS Interrupts
21. Implement a Singly linked list using pointers & dynamic variables.
      The operations to be performed are:
      a) Insert a new node at a position such that the list remains sorted in ascending order
      b)Delete a node at the specified position
      c)Display all the elements of the list.
22. Evaluation of Polynomials using linked lists
23. Addition of two Polynomials using linked lists
24. Merge Sort
25. Quick Sort : Working of Quick Sort
26. Warshalls Algorithm to find the Path Matrix
27. Address Calculation Sort Or Hash Sort : Working of Hash Sort

Computer Graphics Programs

Programming in Pascal

For III semester students of B.E Computer science,Bangalore University

Useful Links for Pascal

1. Binary Search
2. Linear Search
3. Bubble Sort
4. Insertion Sort
5. Quick Sort
6. Print Backwards
7. Factorial of a number using Recursion
8. Fibonacci series using Recursion
9. GCD of 2 nos using Recursion
10. Factorial w/o recursion
11. GCD w/o recursion
12. Using Files
13. Function Procedure Parameter
14. Towers of Hanoi
15. Matrix
16. Power of a number
17. To check if a number is Prime
18. Generation of Prime numbers
19. Graph
20. Vowels
21. To count the no of words in a sentenc
22. Linked Lists 100 Hot Books

Useful Links for Pascal

© Copyrights Madhu Sudan Rao G.K
