<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/globallca/closewlk.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
welcome to Peacepark3
we have quit the variety
of lilies,this is one of them.
"It is a tulip"
peony tulip.
sorry friends! I forget the name of this beauty.
This is the arbor built by hard working hands. A nice shady place in the heat of the summer
This stargazer lily smells so nice
you just can't pas it by without putting you nose a little closer .
A lovely mixture of color' the fucia, roses,mother of pearl.
Do, please imagin your self strolling
throug the garden with us.
Take a rest right here and listen to the birds watch the butterfly in action and enjoy.
This is the for the birds. The pheasant come for treats right here . This large feeding station was build by Ted .
Do follow me to shady lane. The sign and the seagal will help us to get there.
If you have any questions in regards to gardening ,we will gladly answhere if the question is left in the guest book under comments. Leave your e-mail address please.
Hope you have enjoyed your stay in peace park.Do come again for more exciting page.