
Matt's the talkative one. He posts journals on the site, occasionally makes appearances on Opium, gives tin whistle lessons, and returns fanmail (within reason). He's also the loud one. He bears a remarkably sexual stage presence. He wears eyeliner and nail polish. He wears really ugly pants. He likes attention, and we like to give it to him. He also likes Guinness.

If you can get Matt to yourself for a while to talk to him, he's a sweetie. He'll give you his undivided attention, he's quick to hug-- he knows how to make you feel like you matter. And that's really cool. If you can't get close enough to him to talk, well, that's not terribly surprising. By the time all the aggressive fans who broke in line are gone, he may be gone as well. You'll get a chance, though. You don't have to be aggressive, but it does help to be assertive. And if you're not good at being either, befriend someone who is. ;-)
