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The Lost Age

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Room full of covered traps.
Room that has slippery floor.
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Room gaurded by two dragons.

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The Lost Age Image Walkthrough
There will be 20 pictures on each page.

After you are done with Alex, Jenna, and Kraden talking, exit the Venus Lighthouse and you will come upon this scene.

After alot of talking, Alex will start to use some sort of psynergy that will lift the gaurds up with water. Continue talking.

After you are done with that LONG talk, you will be alone with Kraden, so after he's done, take the left path.

You will come upon a man that you will have to battle.

When you fight him, you should use this attack.

Here is a picture of the attack, pretty nice, you should see the last version.

You will come upon another man to battle, and again, use the same attack.

Continuing on, you will come across some vines you need to climb down. Go in the cave.

Suprise! We got you a gift, three more men to battle.

Choose what ever attack you want, remeber the fire dragon can kill each guy in one hit, but will take three turns.

Here is the outcome of that technical problem, the result we were hoping for.

Go through the cave and when you get near the psynergy inside you will encounter this creature. Use the fire dragon attack for a one hit K.O., pretty easy.

When you get out, you will find a ship, believed to be Saturos's, it probabley says, but of course I can't read Japanese. Alex will come in and talk.

Now you may watch the Venus Lighthouse be lit and break apart.

Now you will find Sheba And Felix unconcious from the fall off the Lighthouse.

The island will start to break off after the Venus Lighthouse breaking.

You will continue to drift off in the ocean.

As you can see, you will drift by some land. That's your stop.

Tsunami! You will be hit by a tsunami when everybody gets up.

After that tsunami, you will get up and have another long talk, what are they trying to do, kill you? Well, then you come to the first town in the game.
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