The 1950's

In 1952, a new planet appeared on the edge of the solar system, a world with nefarious intentions.

Jet Dixon, Dawn Revere, and Dr. Abraham Harkov rocket across space to uncover the secrets and face the dangers of this strange world.

They are


Written by Bob Gansler


Cast of Characters


Jet Dixon

Jet Dixon is a clever daredevil who seeks a life of danger and challenge. His athletic and fighting skills are world-class, at least on Earth.

Dr. Abraham Harkov

Dr. Harkov is an expert in the science of rocketry, among many other disciplines. He is considered an eccentric by most of the scientific community.


Mxxptrm is the chief of the Redpeople. He rules over a kingdom of strong but slow-witted barbarians in the Valley of Ror.

Dawn Revere

Dawn Revere is not as daring as her father "Blast", but she still seeks thrills and excitement. That was what drew her and Jet together.

General Bennett "Blast" Revere

"Blast" Revere was an ace WWII fighter pilot and a barnstormer before his years caught up with him. He provided secret funding for Dr. Harkov's research.

#1 Strange World 19-May-00
#2 Arrival 23-May-00
#3 Decisions 24-May-00
#4 Launch 26-May-00
#5 Trouble Inside and Out 30-May-00
#6 Across The Solar System 02-June-00
#7 Touchdown 06-June-00
#8 Not So Friendly Natives 09-June-00
#9 Prisoners of the Martians? 13-June-00
#10 Trading Hosts 16-June-00
#11 Race For Freedom 22-June-00
#12 Saved or Saviors? 03-July-00
#13 The Secret Origin of Atla 11-July-00
#14 Forest Fliers 18-July-00
#15 Rumble in the Jungle 27-July-00
#16 Sky Rockets in Flight 01-Aug-00
#17 Dead in the Air 09-Aug-00
#18 The Birds' Nest 23-Aug-00
#19 What Makes The World Go Round 07-Sep-00
#20 Dutiful Slaves 10-Oct-00
#21 Escape Plans 21-Nov-00
#22 Pack It Up 26-Feb-01
#23 Move It Out 06-Mar-01
#24 Trouble On The Horizon 03-Apr-01
#25 Uneasy Allies 13-Jun-01
#26 Meeting The Enemy 06-Dec-01

#27 Success 13-Dec-01