Canberra Australia map

October 27, 2002 11 AM - Canberra YHA

Patty the nice lady from Melbourne occupying the lower bunk informed me that last night a couple of men tried to break into the youth hostel. They tried to rip the mesh screen in our room window but could not really take it apart. Instead, they got in by breaking through the window of the manager's room. Maggie, t he Chinese lady from Beijing now a Sydney-sider, was in the other bunk bed fast asleep so she was unaware of all that has been happening. Good thing Patty was awake and alerted the reception desk. The burglars actually got into the hostel but the cops apprehended them. And where was I when all this was going on? In the common room, trying to organize my iPod playlist... and they say backpackers beware! HA! Being clueless has its advantages...heheheheh

October 27, 2002 - National Gallery Australia

Walking though the Aboriginal Arts installation, I came upon an artist who does not use paint and canvas, rather he uses Microsoft word with Helvetica font to show his art. His name is Vernon Ah Kee. Words, they are his art. He wrote:

If I was White
I could walk down the street
and people would pay no particular
attention to me.

It may not seem like much
but if you've ever had a
shopkeeper tell you to
buy something or move on, or
simply follow you around the shop,
it's significant.

If I was White 
people would speak to me.

Wouldn't you feel a little lonely
if you were the only White person
in a new classroom,
at a new school,
and nobody including the teacher
understood you or your culture?

If I was White
I would think like a White Person.

If I was White
I would believe myself to be equal 
to anyone.

If I was White
I would be less likely
to spend time behind bars.

If I was White
alot of the fights I've been in
would not have been my fault.

If I was White
I wouldn't have been
in so many fights.

If I was White
I would not be part
of the Stolen Generation.

If I was White
I would have been counted
in the Census since 1901.

If I was White
I could live, shop, and socialize
wherever I want.

If you walked into Real Estate
Agencies where houses and units
To Let  suddenly become Taken,
and just as suddenly become
Available  when you leave, then
you know what I am talking about.

If I was White
I would be accepted.

If I was White
I could group together
all the people who don't
look like me
into their own separate

If I was White
I could accept a life of privilege,
wealth, and power
that the exploitation of Black
People has brought me
Without even blinking.

If I was White
I could stand back,
walk on by, sit on the fence,
and do nothing. 

If I was White
I would think I have every right 
to be here.

If I was White
I would fit in.

If I was White
I would not have to live in a country
that hates me.

If I was White
I would have a country.

If I was White
I could say This land
has been in my family
for three generations.

If I was White
I could say My family
have lived on this land
for two hundred years.

If I was White
I could say My father worked hard
to buy this land.

If I was White
I could buy bandaids
the same colour as my skin.

What if all bandaids were black?

If I was White
and in an accident, I would be 
wrapped in white bandages.

If I was White
just think of all the names
I wouldn't have been called.

If namecalling does not seem
all that serious to you
then you haven't heard the names
I've been called.

If I was White
I wouldn't be asked if I was
Fullblood, Half-caste, or part White.

If I was White
I would not hear other White People
Say to me You don't look like you
have a lot of White in you, or 
You don't look White.

If I was White
my fair skin
would not be such an issue
with other White People.

If I was White
it would be okay
to claim to be White.

If I was White
I wouldn't have to claim to be White
just to get a job.

If I was White
I would be taken at my word.

Try accepting everything written 
here as being true
simply because I say it is.

If I was White
I could really identify with
Australian TV soaps.

If I was White
I could really identify with
Australian TV Advertising.

If I was White
popular Australian newspapers
would print what I want to read.

If you don't think so
then count how many Black People
appear in the weekend social

If I was White
I could go to Church
and Jesus Christ would
look like me.

Imagine Christ images all over the 
world being black.

If I was White
I would not have to be smart
to keep a good job.

If I was White
I would have more chance
of getting a job.

If I was White
I could wear a suit and tie
and not look suspicious.

If I was White
I could own a luxury vehicle
and not look suspicious.

If I was White
I could shop in luxury stores
and not look suspicious.

If I was White
I could walk
in a white neighbourhood
and not look suspicious.

If I was White
I could dye my hair blonde
and it would not look strange.

If I was White
I could have blue eyes
and it would not look strange.

If I was White
I could marry another White person
and it would not look strange.

If I was White
I would have a better chance 
of  becoming PM.

If I was White
I could write history
any way I please.

If I was White
Ignorance would be my excuse.

If I was White
I would have nothing to fear
from Police.

If I was White
I would not have to explain
the things I say.

If I was White
the world would make 
more sense to me.

If I was White
I could make believe
that Black people were evil.

If I was White
I could shelter my children from
the evil that exists in the world.

If I was White
I could lie to my children about
the evil that exists in the world.

But I am Black
and I am as misunderstood
as the next Blackfella

but I am beginning to understand 
the White Man.
The second level of the NGA is displayed the permanent Australian Artist collection and I found my new favorite female Australian artist there. Her name is Fiona Hall. She did things to aluminium and tin cans that blew me away. She fused her expertise and knowledge of plants to her obvious appreciation of the human body. She drew from the evocative qualities of plants the erotic qualities of the human male and female figure. Her collection called "Paradisus Terrestris" shocked, then amused, then teased, then provoked me to smile and roused me to blush a few times. The collection also prompted me to think of Mr. Large's last e-mail to me.

He wrote a farewell message wishing me safe and happy trails. But what made me appreciate the message all the more is how he shared with me his own definition of SEX. Yes, you read it right. Sex. Hey, not only did that man teach me video engineering stuff, but he continues to teach me life lessons. So, SEX. Yeah...

    S = surrender nothing
    E = experience everything
    X = xpect that all will turn out well as it should
So as I was intently and intensely appreciating the art of Fiona Hall, I realized that her art could very well be the only sexcapade I can get in Canberra. Not that I am intently looking (yet I was thinking of "Hot Lips Paul"...but I digress...) where was I? Ah yes, art in tin cans, sex...holy cow! I gotta stop. Pardon me if you please...

Good art they say has the ability to arouse the beholder. If it does not cause a reaction then art fails in its higher goal of touching the intended audience. Well, one thing is for sure, Fiona Hall's art gave me a rise. Excuse the pun. But you'll see what I mean. Check out the photos I took at the NGA.

I am Mary Grace, blushing still and feeling juvenile...

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