Canberra Australia map

November 4, 2002 (Shopping in Melbourne)

I met Heather today. She is one entertaining chick. A Marine Biologist by trade back in the UK, but going after a sports marketing job in Melbourne. She is just like Nikki, on a working holiday here in OZ. She is one cooky lady indeed. Tall, blonde, leggy and lovely, it seems to me that she can sell anything. In her own words, she is very chatty and is a fast learner. Sure, she can market anything! Heck, with the kind of money ($1k/week) they are offering her, she can certainly market whatever sports event Melbourne is having! She'll even strip for that kind of money… hahahaha…told you she is one quirky lady.

Anyway, today is shopping day. Nikki is off work today and she promised to help me pick out a hat for tomorrow's races. Its true, Melbourne is a shopper's paradise. The central shopping district is along Bourke, Elizabeth and Swanston Streets. Shops and boutiques, cafes and bistros vie for every shopper's attention. The prices are phenomenal as well. I really shouldn't convert everything to US dollars because I will end up blowing a month's worth of budget on just Myer's or Susan's. Plus, where am I going to cram all those items I plan to buy in my backpack? Already the blasted thing weighs a ton! So I must be good and not buy anything that I will not need for this trip. Hold off on the shopping until I am ready to go back home. And the shoes! Oh! My! God! I love the shoes! Hahhahahha I settled on a cream-colored hat with fuschia flower, cream and white handbag, and a shawl, light brown with glitters and shimmy. Oh the shoes! Yes, we must not forget about that…got a pair of really nice cream-colored sandals with low heels. Perfect, I don't think these will hurt my feet. And the shawl will keep me warm tomorrow. A good day spent shopping and sipping lattes. Perfect! Perfect! Perfect! I love Melbourne! Hahahahah


Bashir Indian Restaurant on Brunswick Street serves a mean Chicken Saag dish. The Kashmir Naan is delicious, sweet and heavenly. Meal can easily cost $20 if you don't watch what you order…

I am Mary Grace, holding on tight to my money pouch else, I start buying stuff…

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