21st Century water management

Reliable Freshwater is an increasingly vital need in many areas of the U.s. and Canada. due to shared river basins and water problems relative to boundaries be-tween them, neither nation can resolve future water needs or management prob-lems alone. diversions to the south from shared or north flowing basins cause unacceptable downstream flow loss in Canada. in 1909, both Nations negotiated a "Boundary waters Treaty". Its success in advancing and protecting national interests proves coopera-tion is the best answer.

By Applying such coopera-tion to all river basins in both nations and  use of proven technology, most areas in Canada and the U.S. can have plentiful fresh water far into the  future. The 1909 treaty is a start. but to organize transfers of recycled run-off  From a new, sea-level, freshwater lake in James bay  via The Great recycling and NortH-ern development  (grand) Canal, the principles of the 1909 treaty must apply to all river basins in both nations. The GRAND Canal concept offers other val-uable benefits, including: --

--Canada will have more    (not less) freshwater--

--both nations will have
improved water supplies,  flood control, and environments--

--the st. lawrence river and  Great Lakes  will have more stable levels, flows and better water quality--

--Hudson Bay will have
new  commercial fisheries, longer shipping seasons,  new economic development & enhanced environments--

To copy, contact © Tom Kierans.
Last revision 4/20/2005