
This is Zakeeus. I prayed for a long haired black hamster. I was greatly blessed to be given one. I had great plans for him. I've wanted to have a black hamster/line for a few months and I was hopeing he'd start it for me.

Sadly, Zakeeus's first, second, third and 4th (and so on and so forth) chance at father hood failed. Well, he is a father, but all his children died of unknown causes. ='^( Zakeeus has 'officially' been deemed the problem of the litters. I was very sad to have to do that, but I was able to find another black male so I don't have to risk another failed litter. Zakeeus is officially retired and will just be a great pet. It's a shame because he is such a sweet little guy and he just looks so neat.

Zakeeus's mother is golden banded and named Laura. I don't own her, but I know the people who do. His father is unknown.

Pictures of Zakeeus!

Adult Zakeeus

Take me back to the Hamstery!