The DUSA WomYn's Collective would like to recognise that our university is built on Aboriginal land. We acknowledge the Aboriginal sovereignty of this land we call "Australia". We recognise that our university exists as a result of the dispossession of Indigenous people from their land and the ongoing oppression of these people for over 200 years. We further recognise the diversity of cultures that predate the European invasion of Australia. Deakin University is squatting on the lands of the Gunditjmara, Wathaurong and Warundjeri people.

Welcome to the Deakin WomYn's Collective web site! In 2001 and beyond the collectives have and will be involved with heaps of really ace stuff! This page has been designed to bring you info about what the collective is doing as well as photos etc from some of the events/ activities that we have put on/ participated in!!!!

Each campus has a collective and a womyn's room. The collectives organizes independently as well as working together to organise cross campus events and campaigns!

Have a look at the warrnambool womyn's room

ps my sincerest apologies for the diet ad that keeps appearing in the top corner- i have no control over what ads go up there cos this is a free website! My personal opinion is that all diets are a very good way to develop an incurable neurosis and are therefore amongst the top ten evils in this world!