Charmed I'm Sure...

You all heard of Charmed, a teleseries about three sisters who inherit, at the death of their grandmother, a manor and powers beyond their wildest dreams. They also discover that they are good witches (the "Charmed Ones"), asked to fight for the good cause, as their mother and grandmother did before them. What do you mean, you don't know what I'm talking about?! What planet are you from?!

The cast includes Alyssa Milano (Phoebe) of "Who's the Boss", Holly-Marie Comb (Piper) of "Picket Fences" and Rose McGowan (Paige) of the first "Scream" movie. Rose replaces Shannon Doherty (Prue) of Beverly Hills 90210, who left after the end of the third season.

This show really promotes the fact that women don't need a man to survive, even if they can be handy. Don't get me wrong, these witches do fall in love (several times in fact) at one point or another and they have "men problems" as any of us do. However, they don't think that a man is the answer to everything and while they suffer from loneliness sometimes, they don't want a man at any price.

Phoebe fell in love with such a man, a man that asked too much of her. She wasn't the only one as half the planet also fell for the half-demon, half-human Cole, played by the cool and right down sexy Australian Julian McMahon. Phoebe and Cole (and the writers of Charmed) really tried everything to make it work. Unfortunately, Life was against them and Phoebe, while she still loves him, has decided to move on, leaving Cole in limbo. What will happen to Cole (especially now that we have discovered he's indestructible), nobody knows yet.

*** Update: Cole went mad because his new evil powers he picked-up in Limbo (or whatever they call the place where demons go once vanquished) corrupted him. To quote him: "I can't be good, I won't be evil, what do you want me to do?!". He tried many times to kill himself without success, joined the Avatars of Power and Strength (who were these guys anyway?!), blackmailed them into giving him the power to change time and in doing so, was finally vanquished for good by the Charmed Ones. Cole is dead; we'll miss him terribly. ***

This page is an homage to Charmed the TV show, but mostly to Julian McMahon for the most sexy, romantic, loving and tortured character seen on television, "for, like, ever"! Enjoy the pictures!

The Players

Cole Turner aka Belthazor
Cole had the misfortune of having a demon as a mother and a human mortal as a father. His father didn't live long after Cole's birth so Cole was raised as a full-fledged demon. His human side was a bonus for his evil work as he understood human emotions better than most demons and could manipulate his victims easily. Until his own human emotions betrayed him and made him fall in love with Phoebe, the witch he was supposed to kill in order to destroy the Charmed Ones. His love (some would call it an obsession!) kept him alive even after Phoebe, Piper and Paige vanquished his sorry evil ass, preventing him (and Phoebe!) from moving on. The part of Belthazor is played by Michael Bailey Smith.

Prue Halliwell
Prue was the oldest and more of a mother figure because when their mother, Patty, died, she helped Grams (Penny, their grandmother) raise the two other girls. She was the strong one in the group and sometimes could be very controlling and narrow-minded. Her heart was always in the right place though. She was killed at the end of the third season by Shax, the Source's assassin, who was sent by the Source first to kill the original Charmed Ones, and then to kill Paige.

Her powers: Prue used to be able to move things with her mind by simply looking and/or waving at them. She also could project her astral self and be two places at the same time. While she didn't train with Cole as Phoebe did, she knew how to fight back... ferociously!

Piper Halliwell
Piper used to be the "middle child", the buffer between Prue and Phoebe, preventing them from fighting all the time. She also used to be more reserved and quiet, and was the one who aspired the most to what she called "a normal life". Contrary to Prue who was Miss Popular in high school (Prue even went out with the football team quarterback!), Piper was more of a nerd: intelligent, beautiful, but extremely shy. Becoming the older sister and having the burden of taking care of a new baby sister was almost too much but she found her balance. She is now stronger, more confident, and more in control of what is going on around her, without being overbearing. She also is the loving wife of Leo and the mother of newborn baby Wyatt Matthew Halliwell.

Her powers: Piper can freeze time and people (or even human body parts!) but can make them explode if she is not careful. She is quite powerful and was even invincible when she was pregnant with Wyatt.

Phoebe Halliwell
Phoebe used to be the baby of the family and as such resented her oldest sister's control over her life when growing up. Losing her mother when she was very young and losing touch with her father not long after that had quite an effect on her. She was often in trouble with the law and left the family manor as soon as she could for New York to, and I quote, "find herself". Phoebe is the more open-minded of the sisters and she tried many things... and many guys! She always had a fear of real intimacy though; scared of giving her love to someone who will leave her afterward. We thought her love for Cole would cured her of that but after everything that happened to Phoebe because of Cole, who could blame her for being careful now?!

Her powers: Phoebe has premonitions, mostly when touching an object or a person. She can also levitate and she learned how to pack a punch while training with Cole. She’s what I call a “tough cookie”!

Paige Matthews
Paige is the result of an affair between Patty ("Mom") and her Whitelighter Sam. At the time, it was forbidden for any witch to fall in love with her Whitelighter -and vice-versa- so, fearing for Paige's well being (and also scared that the 3 other girls would be denied their powers), Patty and Sam abandoned her at the local church. They only asked that her name starts with a "P" and that a good family takes care of her. Paige was raised without any magical knowledge by her two loving parents and always felt something was different with her. She has a wild side that even Phoebe admire (see "Special Delivery" episode), is very independent and is used to do everything her way without consulting with anyone, raised an only child. She is now learning the joys and pains of having siblings!

Her powers: Paige, being half whitelighter / half witch, has the ability to move things with her mind but, contrary to Prue who could just look and/or wave her hand at an object, she has to ask for that object outloud. However, Paige also has the power to orb wherever she fancies and can even help a whitelighter to heal someone.

Leo (Brian Krause)
Leo is the whitelighter assigned to the Charmed Ones. He used to be alive in the early 1910's and got killed in World War One, where he enrolled as a medic. He was decorated many times for bravery and that is mostly why he became a whitelighter. Leo fell in love with Piper almost from the start, when he posed as a handyman fixing things in the house for the 3 young women. His "bosses", The Elders, didn't approve of their love so Piper and Leo had to go through pure Hell to get married... but they succeeded! Leo changed quite a bit during his time with the Charmed Ones, from a timid and gentle man to a man who dares to ask for more and knows when and how to take his place. In my opinion, he is also sexier!

His powers: Leo can heal the sick (but not the dead) and orb wherever he wants to, including "up there" where the Elders convene and, maybe, live. He is also handy with a sword, believe it or not!

Patty (Mom) & Penny (Grams) Halliwell (Finola Hughes & Jennifer Rhodes)
Patty Halliwell is the mother of the Charmed Ones, the most powerful witches this world has seen up til now. She had 3 girls with her husband Victor (Prue, Piper & Phoebe) and one with her whitelighter Sam after her separation with Victor (Paige). Patty was a powerful witch who didn’t let 4 pregnancies slow her down. She was killed by a water demon when the girls were still pretty young, leaving Prue, Piper and Phoebe to be raised by their grandmother, “Grams” (Paige was abandoned at birth at the local church, see “Paige Matthews”). Penny in turn saw that the girls would be unable to deal with their magical heritage so young and decided to bind their powers and not train them until she felt the girls would be ready (when they would learn to work together and stop fighting all the time!). Unfortunately she fell sick before she could undo her spell and when she died, the 3 young women got their powers back without a word of explanation. Patty and Grams still help the Charmed Ones whenever they are allowed to by the Elders and visit with them as “ghosts” from time to time. That’s how Paige got to meet her mother for the first time (see 4th Season’s Premiere).

Darryl (Dorian Gregory)
Darryl is a policeman (a Lieutenant now, I believe) and a friend of the family. He is married to a gorgeous woman we have seen only once in The Centennial episode and they have kids. He knows all about the magical powers of the Charmed Ones but the less he knows of what is going on, the happier he is. He gladly helps them with red tape, police enquiries and anything that could jeopardize Piper, Phoebe and Paige’s cover. In exchange, they help him tracking down supernatural criminals and bringing them to justice.

Chris (Drew Fuller)
Chris is from the Future and that's about all we know about him. He appeared in the 5th Season Finale, saving Paige from certain death at the hand of the female Titan. Since then he became the Chamed Ones new Whitelighter but we still don't know if his claim of coming back from the future to protect Wyatt is true or not. He is basically a bratt, but evil or not, we're not sure yet. Some say he's Wyatt from a different Future and that would explain a lot. But is he?! Would Wyatt kidnap his own father? Mmmmh... we'll see!

His powers: Until now we have seen him orb himself and others, create a timeportal, and kill with just a wave of his hand. He's powerful, that's for sure!

*** Update: We all now know that Chris was (and is) Piper and Leo's second son, back from the future to prevent Gideon from turning Wyatt evil. Unfortunately, due to Piper giving birth to little baby Chris, yummy adult Chris had to die, at, once again, Gideon's hand. God, are we glad this fiend was killed by Leo!! ***

(click on thumbnails to see the "big picture")

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Important Links!

Please visit the following web sites where I downloaded many of the pics you will find in this gallery, including the image I use for my background (thanks GG!)

1) Extraordinary Julian (Website in English and in German, click on the flag to choose the language) (

2) Graphomania by GG (

3) The WB, home of Charmed on TV (USA) (

4) Charmed Clip ( Charmed Clip (part of website) is an wonderful Italian website that offers many downloadable videoclips, wallpapers, art, avatars and more! Just click on the "download" link on the first page (upper left corner) and browse. Of course you have to guess sometimes, since the site is mostly in Italian! Have fun!

** More Charmed links on my Friends & Links page ***

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