Animal Expressions and Idioms

Black sheep

Terry was always a little out of step with his brothers. When they went to college, for instance, he tried to become an actor. He was the black sheep of the family.

Get your goat

Sandy was annoying me all day, but it really got my goat when she asked me to lend her $50.

Horsing around

The boss told Tom and Billy to quit horsing around and get back to work.

Could eat a horse

John came home from work at 8 and said he was so hungry he could eat a horse.

A pig in a poke

Buying diamonds on the Internet is buying a pig in a poke. You really need to see the gems before you can agree to buy them.

Monkey around

Don't monkey around with the thermostat. The temperature has been adjusted very carefully.

Monkey business

I don't want any monkey business. I want to buy my new car from a reputable company that will honor it's commitments.

Monkey see, monkey do

Whenever I did the same thing as my Uncle Ray, Dad would laugh and say, "Monkey see, monkey do."

Pig out

I've been very careful not to eat too much this week and now I want to pig out this weekend.

Pony up

I got a lot of credit from my friends. They lent me a lot of money until they forced me to pony up all the money I owed them.

Snake in the grass

We were going to have a lovely afternoon at the beach until some snake in the grass gave our plan away to the teacher.

Squirrel away

After years and years of saving, Robin had enough money squirreled away for a small house on the beach.

A wolf in sheep's clothing

I thought I could trust Mr. Anderson, but I found out he was just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Wolf down

Harry thought the steak was too large for his son, but Bobby just wolfed it down and asked for more.

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