Idioms and Expressions with birds, fish, etc.

Alligator tears

Mikey was tired and bored and he started to complain and cry. His mother told him to stop crying alligator tears.

A shark

When Adam was looking for a lawyer to sue his landlord for him, he looked for a real shark, someone who would not give up until he got results.

A shrimp

Phyllis got furious with Phillip when he called her "shrimp." He was 6 foot 8 inches and she was 4 foot 10 inches, but she thought he was insensitive.

A whale of a time

I had a whale of a time at your party last night. Thanks for inviting me. It was really a lot of fun!

The birds and the bees

When I was 11, my father explained the birds and the bees to me. I wasn't aware of sex at the time so it didn't make much sense. But now it does!

Chicken feed

I didn't get paid much when I worked at the supermarket. I finally quit because I was tired of working for chicken feed.

Chicken out

Jack was going to ask his boss for a raise. He was all set to go in and ask for more money, but he chickened out and didn't even speak to the boss!

Clam up

Every time I ask Bernadine about her new job she clams up. I don't think she wants to talk about it.

Fish out of water

Angela went to went to the party with her boyfriend, the attorney. She's a teacher and she felt like a fish out of water among all those lawyers.


I had my car repaired last week, but something's fishy. I paid $600, but I've got the same problems as when I took the car in to the shop!

Fly in the ointment

Enrique wants to take English lessons this summer. The fly in the ointment is the fact that he has to work until 7 p.m. and his classes start at 6:30.

Free as a bird

Mr. and Mrs. McMillan were free as birds when their last child left for college. They started going to movies and taking dancing lessons!

Make a bee line

I was so thirsty when I got home that I made a bee line for the refrigerator and got out some orange juice to drink.

Parrot (v)

Lee wasn't a very good student. She would just parrot whatever she heard her teacher say in class without stopping to think what she was saying.

Pigeon toed

Ken's new shoes caused his toes to point toward each other. He hated being pigeon-toed.

Snail's pace

The traffic was going at a snail's pace and Erica was worried that she was going to be late to class.

Snug as a bug in a rug

When Charles went in to say goodnight to his sons, they were curled up snug as a bug in a rug. They were nestled into their blankets.

Stool pigeon

Tony Pendleton, the noted stool pigeon, was shot to death for telling the police all about the crimes his former fellow gang members.

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