Idioms and Expressions with WALK


Walk the walk                                     Bob could talk the talk, but he couldn't walk the walk.  He never follows through with any of his threats.


Walk away with/walk off with              As I left Dr. Jeffries' office, I almost walked off with his pen. He stopped me, though, and got it back. I was really embarrassed.


Take a walk                                        a. My wife and I used to take walks in the woods before we got married.


                                                b. I went into the bank to ask for some money. The man in the bank looked at me and said, "Take a walk!"


Walking papers                                   Bill: Did you hear that Pete and Emily are getting a divorce?           
Yes, I heard she gave him is walking papers last week.            


Walk of life                                          The marathon runners came from all walks of life. There were mechanics, waiters, architects, nurses, and even teachers!


Walking on air                                    Bill: Did you hear that Pete and Emily are back together?
Bob: Yes, when Pete told me he was so happy he was walking on air!


Walk out (on)                                      Mr. Jacobson's partner walked out on him. He left Mr. Jacobson with all the work and all the bills.


Walk all over                                      Mr. Jacobson was really unhappy. He felt that his partner walked all over him.


Walk the plank                                   When the new company bought our store, Alan had to walk the plank. He had to resign because the new company wanted its own management team.                                                                                            

Walk the floor                                     When Sally went out on her first date, her father walked the floor until she got home. He was a nervous wreck.


Walk a tightrope                                 Our business is doing badly so we can't pay too much for supplies, but if we get cheap supplies we will continue to lose customers. We are really walking a tightrope.


Walk on eggs                                      Dad is quitting smoking this week. He's very nervous and angry all the time. The rest of us are walking around on eggs trying not to get him mad.


Walk-out                                             The workers hadn't been paid for several weeks. They held a meeting and voted to have a walk out.


Walk-on                                              Lance Cutaway is now a famous actor, but 20 years ago the only acting jobs he could get were walk-ons.


Walkup                                                My apartment is a third-floor walkup. It's hard not to have an elevator when you've got lots to carry up.




© David Tillyer