A man goes into a restaurant, and is baffled by the complexities of the menu, so he merely orders a hamburger. The maitre'd, a solemn, prudish individual with a pronounced French accent is quite obviously unimpressed by this, but he serves him his hamburger. Upon receiving it, the client finds a hair in the patty. Outraged, he calls the maitre'd over, and says "Excuse me?!? You call this place classy?!? Look what I found!!!" The maitre'd leans over, looks, and sniffs at it. "Yez zir...I shall get you anozer hamburger."
The man is unsatisfied with this, however, saying, "I don't want another hamburger. I want to talk to the chef!" The maitre'd looks at him askance.
"You want to talk to ze chef? All right, we can talk to ze chef. Follow me, monsieur." In the kitchen, the chef is busy making hamburger patties, crushing and pressing them into shape with his armpit.
The man, even more disgusted, turns once again to the expressionless maitre'd, but is stopped by the look of amusement on that worthy's face.
"You zink zat ees deesgusting, monsieur? Well you have not seen anyzing yet...you must wait and see how he makes ze donuts!"