A bartender puts his horse at the end of the bar and hangs a sign around his horse's neck that said,
"Make me laugh and win a $1000.. A lot of people tried but failed. One day a man comes, he goes to the horse and says something in his ear and the horse starts laughing. He wins a thousand dollars. Now the bartender hang a new sign around horse's neck that says,
"Make me cry and win a $1000. Same thing happens. A lot of people try, but again that same guy comes. He says, "I will have to take the horse out of the bar for one minute and then I will be right back."
The bartender says, "OK but don't hit the horse."
The guy takes the horse outside and comes back. The horse is crying. So he wins $1000 again The bartender says to the guy, "Before you go, can you tell me how did you do that."
The guy says, "The first time when I came I told the horse in his ear that I have a bigger dick than yours.
And this time I actually showed him.