An Admiral of the Fleet was a widower, so he sent his daughter to an exclusive and rather narrow boarding school. To his horror, when her education was finished sho began courting a common sailor. She waited until sho was of age, and then announced that sho would marry the Jack Tar. The day before the wedding, the Admiral took his daughter aside, said:
"This is very difficult for me, in fact I'd ratehr face the enemy in battle than talk to you about the Fact of Life, but the truth is, well, you see, it's like this, sailors spend months at sea, and they sometimes get peculiar habits, or, er, let me put it this way, if he ever demends sex in a funny way, you tell me and I'll speak to him."
"A funny way father, what exactly d'you mean?"
"Well er, if he er, ever wants it the other way around."
The girl left it at that, and was soon married and on honeymoon. For months she bnloomed, then one night going to bed, she said to her sailor husband:
"Jack, have you ever thought you'd like to try sex 'the other way around' whatever that means ?"
"What ! and fill the bloody house with kids !"