This lady buys a parakeet from a local pet shop and the shop owner guarantees the bird can talk. After having taken the bird home and a few days of silence, the lady finally gets the bird to talk but all it will say, repeatedly, is "I'm a prostitute, I'm a prostitute".
Horrified, she returns the bird to the pet shop for a refund.
"I only guaranteed the bird would talk, not what it would say" replied the shop owner, refusing a refund. Exasperated, and very miffed, she spent a long time trying to get the bird to stop saying "I'm a prostitute" or at least to say something else. A few months go by with no success and the lady gets worried that the bird will embarrass her when the local parish priest stops by for tea and a chat about the Ladies Auxiliary. To prevent any unpleasantness, she places the bird in the bedroom with a towel over the cage in hopes the bird will keep it's beak shut. No such luck. Not long into the visit the bird blurts out it's usual announcement with unusual clarity. With profuse apologies, the lady expsins her predicament to the priest.
"Please don't be embarrassed", said the priest, "I can understand your problem. Say, I've got a good idea. I've got two parakeets back at the rectory and all they ever say is the Rosary. Why don't I put your bird with them and maybe they'll teach it to say something more pleasant".
"It would certainly be worth a try",
she said, "if you're sure it's not a bother."
"Not at all", the priest replied and left with her parakeet in tow. A week goes by with the two faithful birds repeating
"Our Father... Hail Mary..." etc., over and over again and not even a chirp from the other. Another week goes by as before. And yet another week when suddenly, growing more comfortable in this new surrounding, the lady's parakeet lets out with a rather emphatic "I'm a prostitute, I'm a prostitute". A long silence ensues with the two prayerful birds looking alternately at each other and their newly vocal companion. Finally, the one turns to the other and says: "Throw down your beads Charley, OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!"