A preacher informs a couple that there little girl can tell the future..The parents, not knowing what to do with the info, don't do anything..One night, the father was listening to the little girl pray. she says
"Dear Lord, thank you for my mommy and my daddy.. and good bye grandma"
Two days later, the grandmother died. A few months later she was praying and the father heard her say "Dear Lord, thank you for my mommy and my daddy and goodbye grandpa.." and within a few days the grandpa died. Months after that happened, he listened to her pray and she said "Dear Lord, thank you for my mommy.. and good bye daddy." well he was shocked! He went to work soo carefuly the next day, making sure to buckle his seat belt, and driving carefuly...When he got home, he rushed in the door, sighing "oh i made it" but he found his wife weaping at the kitchen table.. "What's wrong dear?" he asks... she looks up sobbing.... "The mailman died!"